Original Post
[VID] I Can't Stop
I Can't Stop
Flux Pavilion

I'm gonna be needing replays for this. I've got some experience editing, and since the career path I would like to follow includes this type of thing, I figured I might as well make a video.

Needing replays of the Following Type:
  • Madmans
    • No little prancing ones where you dance around like me. I want clear hits smashing right fucking through uke, blowing him to bits. Actually a little dancing around would be fine, just not like me. Where I dance around Uke trying to get a clear hit on him, but still in the end getting a nice hit.
  • Tricking
    • You better have some nice tricking, also not slow ones if you mind, ones where you dance the hell out of your Tori, jumping all over the place.
    • Remember don't mess around with your Tori.
  • Parkour
    • I may put in one of these. If I do better make sure it's good.
  • Spar
    • I'm not wanting those ones where you take forever to land a punch, fast unique, you know those ones where you jump all the way across, loads of hits, no backing down, dodging blocking the works. Give me those beauties.
I think that covers what I need, post any Split-caps or such, they shall be ignored. I will be posting WIPs every now and then, don't expect this to be finished soon. I'm doing this in my spare time.
Video will be approximately the length of the song.(4-5 minutes)
Now give me those replays.
Last edited by Dscigs; Jan 26, 2013 at 05:57 PM.
Whoop! I'm in it!
Oh yeah, good luck. And take your time.
Last edited by BloodMach; Feb 9, 2013 at 12:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Desperately trying to get back into TB...