Tell us a little about you:i play american football and love toribash
Before clans: violent
In What can you help us?skill
Why did you choice us? i want to be a sensei
Belt:third dan black belt
Activity in-forum 1/10:5
Activity in-game 1/10:5

i made myself a format for an app
I suck at this game in case you were wondering
Hey guys sorry we haven't really been paying much attention to the forum, but we will try to now because the clan getting bigger and yeah.

Btw to get in the clan we prefer to watch you play and not judge you on your statistics ( unless we know you or have seen you play before ) so if your lucky and see a recruitment server or meet us online, we'll test you. Also there is no minimum belt.

I'm going to make a bank soon too ( when I can remember )
We had one before but we had to delete it because it was named after the old clan. Idk why Dushik changed the name ask him
Hey guys i`ve fought and talked to radd, i was thinking about joining your clan.
Never have been in one. What do you think?
We have set some new requirements to our clan!!
Rank (global) must be under 10k
and must have a qi of over 1000
Thanks G
I'm one of those people you don't want to mess with...
Originally Posted by Dushik View Post
We have set some new requirements to our clan!!
Rank (global) must be under 10k
and must have a qi of over 1000
Thanks G

We've done this because people kept trying to join that weren't good enough :/
I got dis like Piri Weepu.
Thanks for the promotion dudes, i'll probably get on the recruiting tomorrow
The Saiyans Are A True Warrior Race... Don't Underestimate Us!
Dudes can please join ur clan its got a really cool name and i have a replay online called parkour fun check it out and if u like it invite me
can I join my name is matthew and my in game name is ....MattyMSG.... I am a brown belt... who most of the time plays toribash