Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Well I am lazy at the moment so I am only going to cnc somethinlikeamanipmadmanbutnotreallyamanipjustthem admanpartaltoughtthereisatadbitofamanip

somethinlikeamanipmadmanbutnotreallyamanipjustthem admanpartaltoughtthereisatadbitofamanip:

The opener was alright. I didn't like the little hop with your bottom foot though, but I do understand it cant really be helped with that opener.

I am struggling to find words to cnc with because i do not know what the fuck I just watched :^).

I was expecting you to lift uke or twist with that armpit hit but you managed to effectively mindfuck me by doing some strange twisting and hitting motion. I honestly do not understand the point of you punching him after that initial hit thing.
At like 415 your arm phased through your leg so clearly that is gave me some form of confusion seizure.

At this point in the replay you decided to sort of manip yourself kind of i dont really know.
You twist in and phase your legs together, I don't really honesty like anything much to happen so far in the replay, however I am rather confused by the decisions you made in it.
For such an awkward and lackluster start I was expecting some serious damage with that punch, when all you did was dm the hip AND THEN FUCKING GRABBED WITH THAT HAND I think I cried for about 17 minutes straight only to stop and realize I was acting like a bitch.

The split was the grossest thing I have ever seen in toribash. You somehow managed to come around and grab uke, splitting him. However it was not stylish at all and looked like something someone with way less experience would do in judo to try and get a dismemberment. If you would have maybe let your momentum flow and come around with a really strong kick I would have been a bit happier.
You followed up with the only part of the replay I found somewhat stylish besides the poorly done yet creative (I sort of think i don't fucking know anymore) opener.
The kick you came in with was decently powerful however it was kind of ruined for me because of the poor grab placement and strange fluctuations of your body.

You then managed to do the second biggest no no of this replay. You grabbed uke, raised your entire body by raising your shoulder on the grab and slammed back into uke. That looked slow and ugly. Try to avoid things that take too much time for such a nonexistent reward. I understand you want to break uke apart but please do not do it if it means you loser style.
The pose was mehehufsobljkdnqeaokd at best, It was stable but it was really lazy.

Overall i just dont know.
You broke my logic.