Hello! I just joined the clan, my name is Noneja and I can't wait to play with u guys. I am OK at aikido and judo, but mostly just play fun mods and experiment. If u want add me on steam! |TPG| Noneja.

PS: TPG is my Garry's Mod clan. You're welcome to join!
btw we just beat horde in a clan war
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo
Trying to keep this clan alive(and not go into inactiveness)
Add me to allies list please romn.
Hows life everyone?
We're still alive.

We just haven't had a good war in awhile.
Last edited by Orange65; May 4, 2014 at 10:19 PM. Reason: grammar
name: skyler couch
age:12 (im rally aware tho i grew up with some hardcore stuff)
amt:1000TC if thats what u r asking
belt: blue im 100 to brown tho
why do u want to join:u guys seem cool and u fit my play style
past clan:none
why u leave ur clan:didnt have one
wht can u offer:im a good judo and fighting mon in general player
special skills:noob clapping
funny guy:kind of but only when it comes up
skype:dont has one
hi guys lets shape this clan up sorry i have been inactive but im back thanks imaslayya and others for the help
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo
once again, keeping this clan from being removed from activeness as much as possible, So what do you guys think about toribash being released on steam?
toribash servers are not the best but i think more people would force them to make better servers so yes it would be healthy for the game
I throw my Spanish in the air some times sayyin ayyo no comprendo