Wow... tbh, I'm completely unimpressed. You didn't even give me boxing gloves, mah pose is whack, and his face was hit, which I actually requested you DIDN'T do.
I am RED, not PINK.

If this is the kind of work he does when he's getting paid, I wouldn't buy shit from the man.
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
Wow... tbh, I'm completely unimpressed. You didn't even give me boxing gloves, mah pose is whack, and his face was hit, which I actually requested you DIDN'T do.
I am RED, not PINK.

If this is the kind of work he does when he's getting paid, I wouldn't buy shit from the man.

You need to put your dick in me.

Stop flaming. You may get by with your shit in General Discussion, but the Art board will not tolerate this. -Stonewall

Is there any way you can make one for me? How much would it cost?
Last edited by Stonewall; Sep 3, 2008 at 02:59 AM. Reason: Flaming
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
Wow... tbh, I'm completely unimpressed. You didn't even give me boxing gloves, mah pose is whack, and his face was hit, which I actually requested you DIDN'T do.
I am RED, not PINK.

If this is the kind of work he does when he's getting paid, I wouldn't buy shit from the man.

YOU WOULDNT GIVE ME YOUR ITEM.DAT!!! so its completely outdated

you talked NOTHING about boxing gloves...

i had little time and under stress and ill try again if thats what it takes

next time give me a better description

dont talk like that again to me

you didnt say no hitting

you said no decap
Last edited by crazylars; Sep 3, 2008 at 07:08 AM.
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
I'm going to give this thread a better title and delete all of your other threads.

Alright, it's done.
By the way, could you do one of me punching someone in the face? I'll give you 10k for it, if I like it. No less than 5k, though. Give me boxing gloves too, and be creative with the camera angle. I'd like to be punching the_guv_na.

Thanks. <3

And make sure I've got a good looking hit with his face. I don't want him decapped, I just want it to look like I had just connected my fist with his teeth. So, no red head for him, preferably. Feel free to use neck movements to make it look like I nailed him, though.


Now now buddy, don't try and make me look like I'm some kind of liar. I'm not being too critical, either. I simply voiced my opinion on your work. I paid you do do a professional job. If I pay anyone for anything, I expect it done professionally. Everything I requested was there, to the dot. Including everything you said I didn't ask for.

Anything else you have to say to me? I told you you had at least a week and a half to do it...
ok... you did say no readhead.... but you did NOT send me the item.dat...

And i dont have much time because of school, friends and sleep

and how the heck could i know what kind of pose hit you want..i useally do only individually...not 2 people on 1 picture... too messy