Belt: Black 2nd Dan.
Why do you want to join: I want to join VorteX, because you guys seem like nice guys and a nice community, I heard you'll be warring alot ( I'm a war maniac).
What will you bring as a clan member: I'm alot online not neccesarily in TB but I can come online when asked, i'm a novice texture designer.
Ingame activity: 7,5
Forum activity: 6 (well not posting alot but online on it alot).
Something Else: As I said amateur texture designer.
Clan history: Menacing & TPR (both of them i was in from the start untill they got in the top 20, and Haunted (left because it is a Boxshu/Mushu clan).

Forgot Fav mods: ABD, Aikido mainly and TPLmodV12.
Last edited by Venom; Jan 4, 2015 at 09:27 PM.
recruitment statment
I wish to join the vortex clan to improve my skill as a Toshibash player and as a person. i think with me in your clan i will help your clan grow and succeed. i am 8/10 active on Toshibash and i am 4/10 active on the forum. my favorite mods are well all of them. i'm a cool relaxing fun person that dose have a lot of patience. i have no other clan history
Belt: 8th Dan Black Belt
Why i want to join: I want to join because i want to have people that brings be back to toribash and gives me a reason to enjoy toribash again. (got back from being inactive a couple weeks ago).
Active in-game: 8
Forum Active: 5 i view the art and textures and items alot
Favorite mods: i don't really have a favorite mod
Clan history: My first Clan was Gryphon but after a couple days the leader gave the clan to me because he was getting busier, i left gryphon because it started to become dead and joined Icof, icof was a fun clan but i got kicked because they didn't believe that i was forum active and non of them were ingame that often, my most recent clan was energy but i left because it started to become dead also it was the second clan that i was a leader of and i gave it to my brother.
-Current belt: I am currently brown belt 100 games till black and my win ratio 62%
-Why I want to join VorteX: I have been looking for an active clan my last clan was very inactive.
-What I will bring to the clan as a member: I am very considerate of my moves and others and always take my time, so i can win.
-How active you are in game, 9/10
-How active you are on the forum, 1/10
-Favorite mod(s): Judo, Footmod, and Akidobigdojo
-Something interesting/cool/weird about myself: I started playing toribash in 2012 on my first account (apragatz) to no prevail i was not good at all and when i got to blue belt i decided to start over in 2014 as Oblivian2 and have progressed extremely fast.
-Clan history: I have been a part of (OnePiece) and The Z Fighters(zF).
VorteX Application
Belt: Black.
Why do you want to join: I want to join because I want a Friendly clan that i can stay in and I want to get better
What will you bring as a clan member: I will bring possitive attitude and cheer other up... And if you have to i will train people
Ingame activity: 8/10
Forum activity: 4.5/10
Something Else: I will do anything someone tells me to do
Clan history: I dont remember the names but i was in 3 other ones
Fav. Mods: I will play any but i prefer akido
Last edited by utopia69; Jan 4, 2015 at 10:02 PM.
Current belt: Green (Reason why less than Black: Sincerely I forgot my 4 main accounts. This is my 5th and there's 1 more alt. Which was before this one. It was a blue belt, but I forgot the pass also. I've forgotten those accounts since, 2013. Those 2 years I've been in-active so I've forgotten the passwords. Right now in this account, I have chosen and easy password so I can remember. But I have a high chance of getting hacked. 1st Main was 3rd Dan Black Belt. That one I was good at Ninjitsu and Aikido. Second was a Brown Belt which was use for sparring. Later on the 4 accounts were mainly use for everything. Sadly I've been in-active on all of them so I forgot all the passwords except this one. I'm very active now and still rusty. Sorry for the brainless activity of Toribash in the last 2 years.)
-Why you want to join VorteX: I've been in 2 clans. I'll explain that in clan history. Since those clan members were in-active I decided to quit those clans. I've decided to re-join a clan and I chose this one. Seem'd experienced and quite active.
-What you will bring to the clan as a member I'd don't really know but I could donate if we have a bank. I currently win 500 tc in tournaments every 2 - 4 days.
-How active you are in game, x/10 9/10
-How active you are on the forum, x/107/10
-Favorite mod(s) xspar, (any parkour map), aikido, mushu, ninjitsu, kickbox, greykido.
-Something interesting/cool/weird about yourself: Nothing much. I've average 6"1. I'm 20. I have a girlfriend and I currently work at Burger King part-time.
-Clan history (if you have any) Finally, here is my Clan history. First of all I was in 2 clans. I still remember what they were called. (Ninja), and (Decap). Both clans were amazingly good. Ninja was mostly for parkour and spars. Decap is mostly for melee. As so, any melee mod. Examples: aikido, greykido, etc. Then after both clans became in-active. I decided to leave them and find a new one. That didn't work out so good. So i'm hoping to join this clan.
Thanks for reading this!
Ok, update.

Sethtus is in.
VenomWolf9 is in.
DarkHearty is in.
Oblivion2 is in.
Utopia69 is in.
iPurifyed is in.
Ajaxwar, you are in, but i sent the invite to your other account, Greg12342, if this is a problem, please contact me.
Proud leader of VorteX

1. Brown belt, I think you should consider letting me join because i beat the recruiter two times with ease (not trying to brag.) and one of the clan members is one of my best friends so i'd like to join.
2. I want to join Vortex because my best friend Rhysifer is in it and because I feel like i'd make a great addition to the clan because you guys seem fun and chill.
3. As a member of Vortex I will bring good gameplay in war or just for fun. I will be an active loyal member and be respectful to those higher in authority and those who are members like me.
4. Activity in game 8/10
5. Activity on the forums 6/10
6. My favorite mod is AikidoBigDojo and I also enjoy Mushu.
7. Something interesting about me ummmmmm... I used to ride BMX And now i'm doing Freestyle.
8. Clan history- Godly, Voltz, DN (Deathnote) and Anon.
ingame name: azaronZ
nationality: Belgian( that little country in Europe somewhere)
Belt: 2nd dan black
Best mods: Judo ,Greykido, ABD
worst mods: Lenchu and mushu
activity ingame : 8/10 (#nolife)
activity forum: 6/10

Why would I want to join ?
I want to this clan bacause I want to be part of a group of cool people and learn alot of them. About me personnally, I am a very quiet person that doesn't say alot.

something interesting ? uhm I do judo IRL thats pretty much it

PS: you guys tested me already and you said I was good enough, I only had to post my app and I would be in xD

thanks for reading this app!