You could all read Huxley's Brave New World if you are into the topic of genetically engineered slaves.

To be honest, gene modified babies have to be made the same way assisted contraception is being done, which limits the spread of this practice. For it to become widespread, you'd have to make the regular way of making babies obsolete, which I'm quite sure is impossible.

It's NOT a thing you can do to already developed humans, unless you'd like to rewrite the dna of the bazillion cells that make up a human body.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I can point to the fact that it's never happened before, as I've said before.

If our sample size is all of history, and in all of these events the outcome has not been dystopic then we can safely assume that one more similar event won't be the straw to break the camel's back.

'In all of these events', 'one more similar event'? Tell me how the division of society into genetically modified and non-genetically modified people is comparable to any other event?

You're still stuck in the headspace of "oh, it's just a new product". It's not. It creates entirely new divisions in society.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Not all speculations are equal.

You're right. Your speculation is based on you thinking that you're magically cognizant of all the unknown-unknowns to this topic.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Again you dodge the question... Has society never been divided into can/cannot afford something? I'm pretty sure it happens on a daily basis...

I didn't avoid your question at all. Your question was predicated on the ignorance of gm's nature. You asked when had a product created classism. I told you that gm is much more than a product, it's an entirely new division.

It's a bigger issue than just can/can't afford... which I'll address to your next quote as well.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You are arbitrarily deciding that modifying genetics is somehow special as compared to everything else in the world.

No, I've decided it's special compared to the mundane products you mentioned. As we've established, it's not just a new product, it's a new division in society - gm and non-gm people. It's not just can/can't afford (though it would likely be an element). Price won't be the only thing that determines whether people choose (assuming they're in a situation where they can choose, which is another set of problems) to pursue gm.

This doesn't just contribute to the can/can't afford division in society, it adds the entirely new genetically modified human/non-genetically modified human division. We have NO IDEA what sort of discrimination, or hatred, or conflict that might result from the creation of this new division. There'll be a majority and minority, and if the minority feels threatened, then you can be sure that the most vocal/extremist/crazy of them will disrupt society (to put it nicely).

To sum up, it's not just a product and it's not just adding to a current division in society - it's creating a new one.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Land/landless classes? First I've heard of it, sure I guess you can make classes out of anything.

You haven't heard of it? You really must brush up on your history, too. Capite censi - Rome's landless poor. Their numbers swelled considerably after the Punic wars, when the aristocrats started dispossessing them of their land for farming. It's because of this that Rome had to change it's army recruitment policy (to allow landless folk in, since there was barely anyone who owned land (a former requirement for service)), and it's because of this change in recruitment policy that people like Sulla and Caesar were able to bring about the death of the republic.
Last edited by Ele; Feb 5, 2015 at 04:09 PM.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Land/landless classes? First I've heard of it, sure I guess you can make classes out of anything.

Forgot you weren't in the US. From our country's creation up to the early 1900's, only landowners were allowed to vote. This created the same type of situation we're currently in with companies controlling politicians, except that control was in the hands of individuals and their families, instead of a conglomerate.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Automobiles? Sure there are only a billion or so of them, but I surely wouldn't call it extreme classism. There's definitely no car vs carless class warfare...

I provided inflated price tags for a reason. For a while, people who had automobiles were very elitist about it and flaunted their wealth by driving around in them.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Computers? Similarly..........

For a short time, having a computer in your house was a very big thing.

Keep in mind I said
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
(regardless of duration of said classism)

All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
ImmortalPig: You are somewhat poorly educated on the subject as you don't seem to comprehend the technical sides of the problem. I suggest you educate yourself on the subject before making technical claims in the future.
It made me laugh, but it's not very productive.

Wow nice vague deflection.

/You/ seem poorly educated and need to go educate yourself.

Haha see how easy it was for me to rebut you?

Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Also please learn to make coherent statements. Your one line posts are getting annoying.
A quote needs to be sweet like a bikini, not longer than your own response. I am going to start deleting your posts if you keep doing that.

No, this is the best way to work forums.

You expect me to reply something like;

"About your claims that genetic modification may cause the reintroduction of slavery; that's idiotic and obviously outside the scope of the discussion."

It's still 1 line, but now you are thinking "what exactly did I say?". Quotes exist for a reason Redundant.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
You could all read Huxley's Brave New World if you are into the topic of genetically engineered slaves.

To be honest, gene modified babies have to be made the same way assisted contraception is being done, which limits the spread of this practice. For it to become widespread, you'd have to make the regular way of making babies obsolete, which I'm quite sure is impossible.

It's NOT a thing you can do to already developed humans, unless you'd like to rewrite the dna of the bazillion cells that make up a human body.

In the context of immunization you could just gene therapy the natural born babies.

It can be done that way though.
For example:
By the way, this is something that exists RIGHT NOW.

No need for sifi references or telling people to go read fiction!

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
'In all of these events', 'one more similar event'? Tell me how the division of society into genetically modified and non-genetically modified people is comparable to any other event?

You're still stuck in the headspace of "oh, it's just a new product". It's not. It creates entirely new divisions in society.

You are arbitrarily deciding that /this/ is different to everything else that has happened in history.

It sounds like an iPhone advert; "This changes everything" - um actually apple it's just another phone it's not that new really...

GM is comparable because in the context of divisions of society it is identical as countless things that have happened before.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You're right. Your speculation is based on you thinking that you're magically cognizant of all the unknown-unknowns to this topic.

At least it's not based on the assumption that your favourite dystopian book will come real!

Maybe there will be zombies too!!!1 AND LIGHTSABERS!111

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
I didn't avoid your question at all. Your question was predicated on the ignorance of gm's nature. You asked when had a product created classism. I told you that gm is much more than a product, it's an entirely new division.

It's a bigger issue than just can/can't afford... which I'll address to your next quote as well.

No, I've decided it's special compared to the mundane products you mentioned. As we've established, it's not just a new product, it's a new division in society - gm and non-gm people. It's not just can/can't afford (though it would likely be an element). Price won't be the only thing that determines whether people choose (assuming they're in a situation where they can choose, which is another set of problems) to pursue gm.

This doesn't just contribute to the can/can't afford division in society, it adds the entirely new genetically modified human/non-genetically modified human division. We have NO IDEA what sort of discrimination, or hatred, or conflict that might result from the creation of this new division. There'll be a majority and minority, and if the minority feels threatened, then you can be sure that the most vocal/extremist/crazy of them will disrupt society (to put it nicely).

To sum up, it's not just a product and it's not just adding to a current division in society - it's creating a new one.

I disagree. There are plenty of are/are not's in the world already - even ones that are from birth. Eg gender, race, geography, social status, religion, etc.

(For the sake of argument I'm pretending it's impossible to modify genetics after conception, but as we know that's not true. Consider this point merely to discuss whether GM is /actually/ unique and not analogous to other events.)
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
You haven't heard of it? You really must brush up on your history, too. Capite censi - Rome's landless poor. Their numbers swelled considerably after the Punic wars, when the aristocrats started dispossessing them of their land for farming. It's because of this that Rome had to change it's army recruitment policy (to allow landless folk in, since there was barely anyone who owned land (a former requirement for service)), and it's because of this change in recruitment policy that people like Sulla and Caesar were able to bring about the death of the republic.

Hate to tell you this mate but Rome broke up a while ago. I don't think the 'capite censi' are still around :/

Nice trivia though.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Forgot you weren't in the US. From our country's creation up to the early 1900's, only landowners were allowed to vote. This created the same type of situation we're currently in with companies controlling politicians, except that control was in the hands of individuals and their families, instead of a conglomerate.

I provided inflated price tags for a reason. For a while, people who had automobiles were very elitist about it and flaunted their wealth by driving around in them.

For a short time, having a computer in your house was a very big thing.

Ok, if we are going to accept this logic then I think we have to accept the iPhone logic too.

Should we accept that mundane things create classism, or not?

So far the only acceptable classism example for Ele is "rome had this law one time". On the other hand Hawk is arguing that mundane things like cars and computers create classism - and predicates it on some kind of elitism.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Yes, you are poorly educated as you seem to believe that changing a living organism's genome so it becomes immune against pesticides is possible. Seeing as you link to a source of gene therapy, I would like to inform you that so far gene therapy has been incredibly unsuccessful. It has little to do with the topic at hand anyway. Gene manipulation is about creating organisms as you want them, not changing existing individuals.

Making a person immune to a pesticide would require changing many genes, not just a single one. The idea behind gene therapy is mostly “fixing” one gene that codes one single protein. The diseases that have been pinpointed to being caused by one single corrupted gene

I see you put some more effort to improve the quality of your posts at least a little so I won't delete this post. Look at how other users do it, they don't seem to find it difficult to use forums without raping their posts with terrible formatting. Ele and protonitron are good examples.
Maybe you will improve a little more in the near future.

edit: As for the reason why I don't post a proper response, I am not too interested in discussing with you. I am just moderating stuff because that's what I do.
Last edited by Redundant; Feb 5, 2015 at 07:54 PM.
Pig, an iPhone is something you can buy, sell, steal, lose ect, this applies to most merchandise to some extent (land is harder to steal but whatever). You tend to buy products after being born and deciding you want them rather than them being given to you probably irreversibly before you are even born. The products we have now are not part of us (and us them), although they change your image and maybe give you tools to complete tasks differently, they are still external tools, not part of who you are (although, admittedly intellectual products perhaps do this to some extent).

What this means: It is a pretty unprecedented unpredictable product (maybe comparable to body modifications except that GM is much more expensive and permanent and important) and you need to start treating it that way. I personally would probably hate GM kids if I was just normal, and I would feel like I was cheating if I was GM, this is not massively economically important but it sort of indicates a possibility of another class system and class hatred. I find it hard to imagine a world where derogatory terms would not be made for both classes.

I also doubt it could be widespread and normalised in the way you have hinted at in earlier posts, I am not knowledgable on law so forgive me if I am wrong about this but wouldn't companies be able to patent certain levels or areas of GM meaning that there would still be an elite regardless of public health services provision of GM to the population. The rich could always just buy more GM for their children. The upper classes feel/act superior enough without them literally being genetically superior as well as socially superior.

I am sure you have some good points in the arguments you have been making, but you are so focussed on criticism of others that it is difficult to see them.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Ok, if we are going to accept this logic then I think we have to accept the iPhone logic too.

Should we accept that mundane things create classism, or not?

So far the only acceptable classism example for Ele is "rome had this law one time". On the other hand Hawk is arguing that mundane things like cars and computers create classism - and predicates it on some kind of elitism.

The first iPhone wasn't $23,000. That's what I'm getting at. The things that we consider to be commonplace now were fucking expensive when they first came out. In eighty years, I'm sure GM'ing babies will only add another $100 to your hospital bill. But right now, it costs a lot. And only the people with insane amounts of money are going to be willing to do it. And because only the rich are able to do it, it adds another layer of elitism on top of what they already have. The link you yourself provided in relation to gene therapy lists an average cost of $1.6mil per patient.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
If you were to genetically modify a person so they would be good looking and super intelligent with an improved immune system I personally don't object to the idea. However I feel like some of our imperfections attribute to who we are. It comes down to should we as humans be able to cheat evolution or let nature take it's course.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Yes, you are poorly educated as you seem to believe that changing a living organism's genome so it becomes immune against pesticides is possible. Seeing as you link to a source of gene therapy, I would like to inform you that so far gene therapy has been incredibly unsuccessful. It has little to do with the topic at hand anyway. Gene manipulation is about creating organisms as you want them, not changing existing individuals.

I already explained this and linked multiple articles.

Also what is roundup.

Come on man.

Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Making a person immune to a pesticide would require changing many genes, not just a single one. The idea behind gene therapy is mostly “fixing” one gene that codes one single protein. The diseases that have been pinpointed to being caused by one single corrupted gene

As you well know there is no reason that you can't change multiple genes using gene therapy.

Referring to genetic disorders as "corrupted" is very much incorrect.

Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
Pig, an iPhone is something you can buy, sell, steal, lose ect, this applies to most merchandise to some extent (land is harder to steal but whatever). You tend to buy products after being born and deciding you want them rather than them being given to you probably irreversibly before you are even born. The products we have now are not part of us (and us them), although they change your image and maybe give you tools to complete tasks differently, they are still external tools, not part of who you are (although, admittedly intellectual products perhaps do this to some extent).

What this means: It is a pretty unprecedented unpredictable product (maybe comparable to body modifications except that GM is much more expensive and permanent and important) and you need to start treating it that way.

I personally would probably hate GM kids if I was just normal, and I would feel like I was cheating if I was GM, this is not massively economically important but it sort of indicates a possibility of another class system and class hatred. I find it hard to imagine a world where derogatory terms would not be made for both classes.

Do you feel like you are cheating because you were born in a hospital instead of at home without professionals to help? Do you feel like you are cheating because you were immunized to protect you from many dangerous diseases? Do you feel like you are cheating because your house no doubt has some kind of climate control? Do you feel like you are cheating because of where you were born?

I think you are making a distinction where none should exist. You can't 'take back' your immunization or being born in a hospital, it can't be stolen.
Originally Posted by protonitron View Post
I also doubt it could be widespread and normalised in the way you have hinted at in earlier posts, I am not knowledgable on law so forgive me if I am wrong about this but wouldn't companies be able to patent certain levels or areas of GM meaning that there would still be an elite regardless of public health services provision of GM to the population. The rich could always just buy more GM for their children. The upper classes feel/act superior enough without them literally being genetically superior as well as socially superior.

Currently such a situation does not exist. You can go online and buy both a delivery vector and the gene you want to use, and DIY it. I'm sure that in the future the entire therapy might be patented (as with Glybera), but you certainly can't patent a gene or a part of a gene. If that was possible it would have already been done since it would be VERY lucrative.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
The first iPhone wasn't $23,000. That's what I'm getting at. The things that we consider to be commonplace now were fucking expensive when they first came out. In eighty years, I'm sure GM'ing babies will only add another $100 to your hospital bill. But right now, it costs a lot. And only the people with insane amounts of money are going to be willing to do it. And because only the rich are able to do it, it adds another layer of elitism on top of what they already have. The link you yourself provided in relation to gene therapy lists an average cost of $1.6mil per patient.

Well back when the industrial revolution started shirts cost over $3500 each (not including the labor and prices to create the materials mind you). Within about 250 years (obviously much less but let's err on the side of excess) you can now buy a shirt for a dollar. That's about 0.03% of the original price. Was there ever "clothing classism"? Well, argue it if you want, but there certainly isn't now. In the 60s a good computer cost millions. Now you can get one for under $100 - hell you can get the latest phone free on a plan, a phone that is billions of times faster than the multimillion dollar computers of the past. Again we see a drop to 0.01% of the price, this time within 50 years. Even the personal computer you posted would have seen a 0.04% or more price drop.

$1.6m for the first generation is acceptable.

Considering synthbio can already be done for a few hundred, we can certainly expect to see a price drop.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff