I don't know much at all about that style of art, but I really, REALLY enjoy your work. Well done sir
one time i had a hair deep in my urethra and when i pulled it out it felt kinda good ~fudgiebalz 2020

<~Skul> they're not children, they're demon midgets
<~Skul> if you kill one in front of the rest, they'll scatter and leave
Hi dbuhos.

Looking at the previous pages, I've seen that you've been improving. What brush did you use in the first post though? the one that made the shadows or whatever you call it.
Last edited by Karstnator; Apr 2, 2015 at 07:11 AM.
117 is the beast one in the 1st post.
Your way on coloring and giving dots there is awesome.
Nice colors effect specially on the skin part.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Hi dbuhos.

Looking at the previous pages, I've seen that you've been improving. What brush did you use in the first post though? the one that made the shadows or whatever you call it.

The shadows were done via toning in manga studio, great function but I stopped using it until I get a better understanding on forms.

Also a big thanks you, guys ! Sorry for the inactivity, been overworked these days. School, motorbike license, studying perspective/fashion/character design..Should I post some of these sketches to show just how rough I work ?
Inspired by William Gibson's Mona Lisa Overdrive. (not as much the content but the impression I had before I began reading)
Last edited by dbuhos; Apr 7, 2015 at 05:36 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
Do Guts from Berserk, I love your art style. Though you should work on muscles, all your drawings seem to be women or scrawny boys.