If someone wants do die, sure, kill 'em
but how would you treat someone who can't convey their will to live or want to die?
In this case, non-human animals.. You see an animal suffering, and think it's best to end
its suffering by killing it... Sure you may think you are doing it justice and a favor, but
really it's all speculation. You think an animal wants to die because you think it's suffering,
but it could actually be struggling to live. Would you put someone down who is
struggling to live, even if they are ultimately going to die anyway? All in all, you do not
know if they want to live or want to die, but biologically speaking, most species have
an inherited will to live, no matter what. It makes more sense to try to help
an animal live longer, even if it means more suffering. If nothing can be done,
then let it die on its own.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
most species have
an inherited will to live, no matter what. It makes more sense to try to help
an animal live longer, even if it means more suffering

this should be the end of the discussion altogether, there's no way to outwin the opinion of "kill the animal if there's nothing you can do to end the pain"
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
this should be the end of the discussion altogether, there's no way to outwin the opinion of "kill the animal if there's nothing you can do to end the pain"

you can end the pain with
whatever that gas is that knocks you out
the green whistle
numbing cream
numbing injections

just because it's dying doesn't mean it has to feel the pain
Originally Posted by Organs View Post
you can end the pain with
whatever that gas is that knocks you out
the green whistle
numbing cream
numbing injections

just because it's dying doesn't mean it has to feel the pain

I agree with you but they're not gonna let it go lmao, best to find a compromise if what you just said isn't good enough, which i think it is anyway
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Organs View Post
you can end the pain with
whatever that gas is that knocks you out
the green whistle
numbing cream
numbing injections

just because it's dying doesn't mean it has to feel the pain

then that is not euthanasia
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by Organs View Post
Yeah, that's what I believe as well.

What about euthanasia on animals in shelters?
You know, like the ones who can't find a home.

It's really hard to discuss the topic of shelter euthanasia, because there's so many different aspects of it to approach. It's a difficult dilemma for sure. All in all, I think it is a necessary evil for now. That conclusion is based on the idea that we simply don't have the resources to feed/shelter all strays.
Last edited by ProIs1; May 13, 2015 at 11:06 PM. Reason: formatting errors
The only arguments I saw for saying euthanasia is good is "it prevents suffering" and "its hard to take care of an animal"

have you been to a pound? none of the animals are suffering. Its a tight living space, but none of them are suffering in immense pain. It would be eternal suffering for them to die. If you were old and had dementia or Alzheimer's would you want someone to come in and murder you? (I hate using that argument, but its true for non food animals.)

why would you kill an animal because its hard to take care of? Im not going to address the obvious issues associated with that sentence alone.
Starvation is probably a harsher death than euthanasia I guess.

I'm afraid I still don't see how death is suffering. Could someone maybe explain that to me.
Good morning sweet princess
the suffering that people are referring to is the pain of dying or just pain in general, like broken bones, wounds, decease, and so forth @Zelda
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.