Original Post
Ranking Rewards
Ranks where reset today and here are some updates.

Ranking rewards:
#1 globally ranked player at 23.30 CET will receive 2000 TC * day of the month.

5th of August the reward is 10,000 TC (2,000 TC * 5).
31 of August the reward is 62,000 TC (2,000 TC * 31).

Total amount of TC payed out in August will be 992,000.

Tournament1 to Tournament15 are ranked servers with various mods.

Ranked Black belt servers:
/join ranked2 - Judofrac
/join ranked3 - Lenshu3ng
/join ranked4 - ABD
/join ranked5 - ErthTK
/join ranked6 - Greykido

The GMs and admins will and can experiment with the server setup during the month.

A handy ingame command that list the current top ranked players and their ELO:
/ranking global

View global ranking on the forum:

[Progress 4th Aug]
jack9918 and Zalf have both been on top for the first 4 days.

Zalf has played 116 games as #1
jack9918 has played 141 games as #1

We are keeping track for Elo ranges for future restrictions.
| EloRange | Players |
| 1570-1580 | 3 |
| 1580-1590 | 50 |
| 1590-1600 | 2190 |
| 1600-1610 | 889 |
| 1610-1620 | 54 |
| 1620-1630 | 20 |
| 1630-1640 | 16 |
| 1640-1650 | 8 |
| 1650-1660 | 1 |
| 1660-1670 | 1 |
| 1670+ | 2 |
Last edited by hampa; Aug 4, 2015 at 02:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Nerfpls View Post
dear hampa
please bring back our beloved 5k tournies
pls hampa

love, everyone

Agreed,please do. ;-;
Originally Posted by DiuwayBuns View Post
Agreed,please do. ;-;

I want to check how much the tourneys payout first before adding them back.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Are there going to be prices for #1 each official mod?

No, just global #1
Last edited by hampa; Aug 1, 2015 at 03:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
it's hampa's master plan
to keep people playing more

hampa has been planning this for decades
why not do it before 5.0?

great plan hampa
Originally Posted by AntiPeople View Post
What a great way to completely fuck up the toriconomy and make TC even more inflated than what it already is.

you shouldn't really be concerned about the economy here, amount of TC spawned by those rewards in one month is far lower than what tourneys spawned within week and nothing broke yet, in fact the TC count is pretty stable.
I suggest the mod sicmo_boxkidobigdojo.tbm for the people who are tired of the desperate players that are lifting.
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.