;-; sadly i should say yes... feel bad that he is losing the clan, but this is what he deserves.
I'll give this a week then we have our discussion done.

Have a Great and Fuck you
I'm gonna take a break again, Ivory has no interest in even going online and clicking "Resign" Which takes 3 seconds. I'll miss you guys I'm gonna start my own You are all my friends
Check my mixtape here
Selling my Deac here
Erm, hi, don't know much about the Toribash community/forums, only Brown belt, but got invited into this clan. Is there anything I should be doing other than checking my inbox fairly regularly and playing once in a while? Sorry to bother y'all with noobish questions, but just don't want to cause inconvenience, and have never been in a real online clan!

Also, are we planning to have a war soon? Just wondering