Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Application For CH70766
Real Name:Chris
In-game activity (0-10):9
Forum Activity (0-10):8
Any previous clans and why you left them:I didn't have any previous Clans because they didn't like me...
Why Mythology: I Chose Mythology because I thought it would be kewl to join a clan and to experience a clan and how wars work.
How did you find Mythology: One of my friends told me to join Mythical because he said, "Its a really good clan to start off with".
How you can you contribute to us:I can Contribute by joining your wars, helping around and having fun with u guys
Favorite mods: Judo, Judo Swords.
Any bans/infractions?:No
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): Skype name is mrmonkey125 (Pic Of Monkey)
Something about yourself: I'm good at Swimming and Running (And Really good at games)
Replays: Names Of replays are Tackle For Aikidio And Backflip Noob clap
Name:ZekAge:16Ingame:[10-9]In forum:[8-7]Previous Clans:The Abyss[Why i left]Because No body there was active,and i was not meant to be.
Why Mythology:Well,Why?Because,its A Good Clan!!You also Seem To Be Very Nice.How I Found Mythology:I was watching a war That Mythology was Playing,And pretty much came from there.How i can contribute:well,I Can help in wars,and,Maybe When Im Better,Help Recruiting(I know you have a problem with that sometimes)
Favorite Mods:Boxsu_Mushu,Mushu,ABDAny Bans/Infrac:None At all.Means Of Reaching:None,Not Yet
About Me:Well,i like to play toribash and i really like roleplaying Games,And Im Really Funny.
Last edited by redead123; Oct 1, 2015 at 04:06 AM.
Real Name:Christian
In-game activity (0-10):7
Forum Activity (0-10):4
Any previous clans and why you left them:None
Why Mythology:I love myths and legends that entitles to my in game name.
How did you find Mythology:I typed up aikido looking for a match and found this.
How you can you contribute to us:I am a fast learner when it comes to toribash moves.
Favorite mods:Any aikido mods.
Any bans/infractions?:Not that i'm aware of.
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype):Steam messaging.
Something about yourself:I practice parkour in real life.
Replays:None so far considering the fact that i don't know how to record them.
my name is jack and my age and belt are 12 and black belt. my in game activity I would rank it as a 8 and my forum activity would be a 5. my previous clan was monochromatic and I left because it there was very few people in the clan and they all rarely played. I want to join mythology because it seems like an active and cool clan. I can contribute to you in judo and aikido because i am pretty good at both mods. My favorite mods are aikido and judo. i have no bans/infractions. means of reaching me you can reach me on steam. some thing about me is that I like to do parkour in the real life, I am Australian and i have 6 fish, 1 chicken and a dog named cooper.
Free Form Application
My real name is Christian, I am 13 and a blue belt in toribash. I am pretty active on the game, so about a seven out of ten and on the forums more of a four out of ten. I have been in no previous clans either.

The reason I found this clan is because i was looking for a match of aikido and found this, and I chose this clan because they seemed good and i thought I could learn a thing or two from the, plus the fact of my name being Myth2000.

I can contribute to the clan by learning lots of powerful complicated moves easily that will widen my range of move knowledge if you would call it that. My favourite mods if you haven't yet guessed are any aikido mods. I have no bans that i know about, and no replays because I don't know how to record them.

I am reachable through steam messaging and I practice parkour in real life.
Real Name: Steve
Belt: Brown
Age: 15
In-game activity (0-10): 7 - 10
Forum Activity (0-10): 2 - 4
Any previous clans and why you left them: none
Why Mythology: The name sounds cool and I'm happy to be in a clan with great players.
How did you find Mythology: There was a recruitment server up.
How you can you contribute to us: I can join into clan wars and donate and just be an overall nice player
Favorite mods: aikido, boxshu / mushu, and lenshu
Any bans/infractions?: none
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): steam
Something about yourself: I'm pretty loyal and reasonably friendly
Replays: http://forum.toribash.com/attachment...1&d=1444045107


Attached Files
decap online.rpl (54.6 KB, 5 views)
best lenshu game decap.rpl (46.5 KB, 4 views)
Okay, Iceskimo, I've read your app and from what I've seen, it's a NO from me. Your forum activity is near to zero, app is kinda lazy and replays aren't even worth mentioning. Moreover, you haven't mentioned having any alt accounts and yet there are some replays that aren't yours.
haha sorry about that, all of those are mine, my alts are (unique)N00bl0s3r his clan is dead, about a year ago and i don't play as him much anymore, but i just like the name. My forum actibity is close to zero because i have no need to come on here, i always have forums open in a tab.

Also i did get tested and they said to go and apply to forums