Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed, I honestly don't know why people are perpetuating arguments left and right.

If you're feeling a little plump and you want to be healthier, step one is just eating a little less and finding some form of cardio you enjoy. Swimming, jogging, rollerskating, cycling, whatever. Cardio burns even more calories which means you'll be able to eat more food while still losing weight.

When you're up for it, there are plenty of nice Calisthenic routines that don't require gyms. Here's a link to one of the more popular ones:


Try to drink more water than you're used to, try to eat the rainbow in different fruits and vegetables. When you feel like you're getting somewhere and want to take the next step, then you can start asking about specialized training, gym/lifting routines, periodization, and supplements.

Supplements are just that, they supplement. They aren't "requirements" and they aren't as useful as flat out food.

Cheers o7
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed, I honestly don't know why people are perpetuating arguments left and right.

If you're feeling a little plump and you want to be healthier, step one is just eating a little less and finding some form of cardio you enjoy. Swimming, jogging, rollerskating, cycling, whatever. Cardio burns even more calories which means you'll be able to eat more food while still losing weight.

When you're up for it, there are plenty of nice Calisthenic routines that don't require gyms. Here's a link to one of the more popular ones:


Try to drink more water than you're used to, try to eat the rainbow in different fruits and vegetables. When you feel like you're getting somewhere and want to take the next step, then you can start asking about specialized training, gym/lifting routines, periodization, and supplements.

Supplements are just that, they supplement. They aren't "requirements" and they aren't as useful as flat out food.

Cheers o7

Thread can be closed.
This is the answer you were looking for.
If you want to get in better shape, you should stop eating processed foods, and run/walk every day. All it requires is dedication.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I don't know if this is the correct place to put post this but I'm not too happy with my current physical form. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend on equipment. Or to go to the gym.

I was hoping someone could help me create a daily routine and give me some general advice to help me get a bit more fit. I don't want to be a body builder or anything just to be able to lift the things that need to be lifted without wearing myself out. And not to have a belly that looks like I drink.

I have some weights at my house access to a bike and some other things that could possibly help.

Start playing pokemon go if you need motivation to get your cardio done.

Other than that, try chest presses with dumbbells if you have some. If you can do pushups, do pushups. If you can't, do them on your knees instead
There is so much bullshit in this thread it's unbelievable.
Bodhisattva is the only one who got it right.

Don't believe people who tell you certain ways. You need to figure out what you want and then find a way that suits you personally.

For people who start from scratch it's usually best to implement one thing at a time and only start something new when they got the first thing right completely.
There are a couple of basic things you can look into:

Daily cardio such as walking
Drinking enough water
Eating healthy or more healthily than you currently do
Finding some sort of sport you enjoy. Dancing, fencing, bodybuilding, running, … The fun part is more important than anything because if you don't like doing it you will probably not have the will to pull through.

There are so many information out there you will be overwhelmed quickly. That is also why I recommend you look into one single thing first and then go to the next. There are a couple of people on this forums that are qualified to answer some of your questions, but generally don't go to toribash for things like this. If you want to know about nutrition you can probably ask Bodhisattva. If you want to know about losing weight you can go find Destram, if he is still around. I know a thing or two about power lifting and increasing muscle mass. mwah also does. PM those people, don't ask the public.

Also this is a great source of information, no matter what you end up doing in the end: http://scoobysworkshop.com/
Last edited by Redundant; Jul 10, 2016 at 11:25 AM.
How are you?
What I do: Get in some sport / activity. Spend less time worrying about specific excersizes and regimes that can do this and that. The most easy and fun way to get and stay in shape is to get friends and just have fun.

And if you are a bit shy, take it slow. The biggest part of getting fit for myself was my diet. I don't eat a lot, nor do I starve myself, but drinking soda and chips and crap like that did not help at all.

Personally, I start the day w/ steamed kale, egg whites and rice.

Walking and cardio is fine, though many "experts" prefer you don't do cardio all the time, as constant cardio can burn both fat and muscle. Ofc, walking every day shouldn't be bad at all.

Also! Keep the windows open when you are home during day time. Sunlight is super good, even when you are not outside, and can help the attitude. A healthy mind is always a plus!

DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF as doing so will lower your metabolism and end up making you fatter :P

An active person should eat plenty of awesome foods like steak, sweet potatoes, and veggies. Drinks should be mostly water; milk only on occasions.

Take it slow doh. Going cold turkey isn't cool.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I don't know if this is the correct place to put post this but I'm not too happy with my current physical form. I don't have a whole lot of money to spend on equipment. Or to go to the gym.

I was hoping someone could help me create a daily routine and give me some general advice to help me get a bit more fit. I don't want to be a body builder or anything just to be able to lift the things that need to be lifted without wearing myself out. And not to have a belly that looks like I drink.

I have some weights at my house access to a bike and some other things that could possibly help.

You can always do home exercises like push-ups (in all different mods, there are a lot of push-ups for more than chest), squats (also in different mods), and all these exercises that you can do with your own body weight.

Also, you need regular meals that contain all the macronutrients, you can search on google and see what are them if you don't know. (it would take me too long to write about all of them and much of them to eat at each meal). Me, as a guy who also goes to the gym regularly (5 times a week, for 1 half our to 2 hours) i have 5-6 meals a day that are very ''rich'' if i could say in macronutrients, also i'm taking gainers to make it easier to grow up.

So make a plan, make your meals at set times of the days, and do exercises at home if you don't want to go to the gym.