I'm DashieR a custom belt that be all xD
In-Game Name/Real Name: Dumbn00b

Age: 13

Belt of your account: Black

Win Ratio of your account: 52%

Is this your main account or alt account? If it's your alt, tell us the reason you're not using your Main: Main Account

How active are you in toribash ?/10: 0.198237784300219/10

How active are you on forums ?/10: 9/10

Did you have any pervious clan? If you had, why did you leave it: N00b Nest, i leave it cuz im Bored to be leader, and the member are Gone

What is your Favorite/Main Mod in Toribash. What are your Skills (Provide Replays): MySkill, ugh Free Running, Boxshu, Sparring, and Replay Haxing

How will you help our Clan: hmmm...idk...i just want to sleep :P
hmmm...i probably can approve the forum, cuz im an 2D&3D Artist

Tell us more about your Life (Please provide brief explaination): wont tellyou

Other information you like to share(optional): Im about being Item Frogger

Why do you want to join Chiv: idk

Skype/Discord name (Required for communication): Skype : i forget
In-Game Name/Real Name: Real name Dillon, User name Dillon4545

Age: 15

Belt of your account:10th dan black belt

Win Ratio of your account:58%

Is this your main account or alt account? If it's your alt, tell us the reason you're not using your Main: Well i lost my main witch was also a 10th dan black belt so i guess this would be my main?

How active are you in toribash ?/10: 9/10 I rarely dont play.

How active are you on forums ?/10: 5/10 I am on the forums about 50% of
the time

id you have any pervious clan? If you had, why did you leave it: Blitz I left Blitz Because i was not a skilled Leader Also Uzumaki Ninjutsu Battle Hyuga are my clans but there twin sword solely clans.

What is your Favorite/Main Mod in Toribash. What are your Skills (Provide Replays):Main mod, AikidoBigDojo Akido, Twinswords,Bozmush.

How will you help our Clan: Im good in wars.

Tell us more about your Life (Please provide brief explaination): I live in Canada and i go to high school I play lots of sports and life in a house with my family.

Other information you like to share(optional): None.

Why do you want to join Chiv: I want to join Chiv so i can war other clans.

Skype/Discord name (Required for communication):Skype None Discord name and id-Dillon4545
Attached Files
#Rekt.rpl (49.2 KB, 4 views)
Headbutt.rpl (35.6 KB, 4 views)
BOYS IM GOD.rpl (49.7 KB, 5 views)
Inzim & Dillon4545 Spar.rpl (555.6 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by ExtremesTwitch; Mar 16, 2017 at 09:58 PM.