Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Pyro View Post
Hey, this is my second time applying for WAPOW, I was very lazy with my first app so I decided to put a lot more effort into this one, and try again. I really hope I make this. Again sorry for bothering you with that crappy first application.

What can I offer WAPOW?
I am a very active player, I can offer WAPOW an active, reliable, responsible, and fun member to your clan. And I can offer you nice support in clan wars on mods like boxshu and aikidobigdojo, I'm on all the time so any time u need support in clan wars, be sure to hit me up, I'm sure I'll gladly help out! I can also offer you a nice avatar for people who comes to this clan!

Whats my favorite mod?
My favorite mods are abd and boxshu. I started off playing mushy as one of my first mods, then I found out that boxshu is a lot better then mushu because people can run there, and there are walls to kick off of, so I moved to boxshu a lot. Then I found out that abd is the most common mod, the most popular mod, and it's used almost every time on betting servers and tourneys. So then I played a lot more of abd.

How often do I play?
I'm on almost all the time, all you have to do is hit me up on steam or skype or discord, and I will come play! I will most likely be on the forums marketing and bothering people, or just playing some other games like brawlhalla or csgo. But Usually I would say around 1-2 times everyday, for about 1-4 hours! And I can play pretty much anything, so if we have games in common just ask me to play it and say who you are, are sure to add me on Skype as well so we can communicate better, and I'll play with you!

Do I post regularly on the forums?
I'm a marketer.... I'm on every hour to check on my pms and threads and stuff. You can send me a pm for whatever reason you want, I'll always be there ready to read them and reply. I post a lot on the forums, I have a shop on the items thread with lots of pages of comments and replies in it, I post at least 8 times a day. I spend soooo much time into toribash I can't gene count it.

Do I check my pms and respond to them?
If you pm me, you will most likely to get a respons right away, or if I'm in school, u will receive an response in an hour or so, and I respond to every one of my pms, no matter what they are or what they are about. Even if I don't care, I'll still put that in a text and send it to you just so you know that I got to read it.

My toribash experience.
Ahh, it's a long story. I first started on 2015, I played a few mushy games and thought that this game made no sense, and I got bored of it quickly. The. I started betting on csgo websites, mainly csgo wild. I was very addicted and so, I lost $1700 (usd), it was a very painful time that I had to go through, so I saw toribash, and thought whynot, and then I fell in love with this game after 2 months on betting. And here I am!

My real life info.
I am a 16 years old boy. I'm living in Canada right now. I play basketball, soccer, and golf. I've been playing the trumpet for 6 years now, and I'm still very much into it. I'm also into beatbox, I've been beat boxing for 1 year now and I'd say I learn pretty fast but I'm not that good. I resently started taking singing classes. Let's just say that you don't wanna hear me sing... for communicating, I mainly use steam and skype, I do have discord but I don't really use it as much as I use Skype or steam. And if you catch me playing brawlhalla, try to text me first, because I am VERY VERY VERY VEEEEERRRRRYYYY competitive in that game, please don't call me right away, you will make me rage and break keyboards, if you texted me and I didn't reply. Don't worry, I'll text you back ones the game is finished, then we can do what ever the fuck you want.

Final words.
Anyways this is my pimped app. I really put a lot of effort into this. I really want to get into WAPOW. So yeah, I hope you enjoyed?

Thank you for re-applying to WAPOW

Your application will now be In Discussion
In mean Time Pyro Please find us in game or join our discord chat to get to know us. Hopefully should have an answer for you soon.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post
In mean Time Pyro Please find us in game or join our discord chat to get to know us. Hopefully should have an answer for you soon.

No problem and uhh where can I find the discord server?

Nvm problem solved
Last edited by Pyro; Apr 11, 2017 at 08:08 AM.
~ Leader of WAPOW ~
~ 7 Year TC Dealer ~
~ Discord: didi8 ~
Lmao front page. Bottom in large red letters
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
264Axel application to Wapow
Hi my name is axel and i would like to join wapow

What can i do for Wapow
I can offer help, art, kicking some arse in wars, everything i can affort to the clan, i am very active in both ingame and toribash forums.

My favorite mods
ABD is my favorite mod but i really like aikido and boxshu mushu.

How many often do i play
2 hours a day. Normally win bout 30 qi a day. 5 or 4 days a week

Active on forums?
Yes. but not like 5 threads a day. j normally post when i have

Do i respond to my PMs?
Everytime (but advices)

How s toribash
I think toribash id an unique game with unique strategy i really like the game.

Dont have discord but i may try to see what can i do.
I have skype my name is :3No my number is :3No (literally the name is :3No)

My effort
Well i can make make many kinds of art i put lots of effort on them and way more if its going to be effort for the clan. I would like to give banners and stuff to the clan so we may have more cool stuff. Btw i always give 100% in clan wars.

I have lots of respects for +5th dan and teammates and i consider my self a 8/10 of good person.

Life and hobbies
Well i have 14 years and i was born in November 16 of 2002, my hobbies are playing gmod, toribash, making art, going anywhere i can. I really like making art its like fun to me. Feels cool to know that ppl like my art. Im from Tijuana Baja California Mexico and actually live in Tijuana. I really like chess, dont play any sports, normally sick, have 2 cats and i know bout 3 or 4 lenguages. Im looking forward to make 3d items and stuff like that.

Thx for reading app hope i can get into this clan to help and give.
Last edited by 264axel; Apr 12, 2017 at 10:36 PM.
Originally Posted by 264axel View Post
Hi my name is axel and i would like to join wapow

What can i do for Wapow
I can offer help, art, kicking some arse in wars, everything i can affort to the clan, i am very active in both ingame and toribash forums.

My favorite mods
ABD is my favorite mod but i really like aikido and boxshu mushu.

How many often do i play
2 hours a day. Normally win bout 30 qi a day. 5 or 4 days a week

Active on forums?
Yes. but not like 5 threads a day. j normally post when i have

Do i respond to my PMs?
Everytime (but advices)

How s toribash
I think toribash id an unique game with unique strategy i really like the game.

Dont have discord but i may try to see what can i do.
I have skype my name is :3No my number is :3No (literally the name is :3No)

My effort
Well i can make make many kinds of art i put lots of effort on them and way more if its going to be effort for the clan. I would like to give banners and stuff to the clan so we may have more cool stuff. Btw i always give 100% in clan wars.

I have lots of respects for +5th dan and teammates and i consider my self a 8/10 of good person.

Life and hobbies
Well i have 14 years and i was born in November 16 of 2002, my hobbies are playing gmod, toribash, making art, going anywhere i can. I really like making art its like fun to me. Feels cool to know that ppl like my art. Im from Tijuana Baja California Mexico and actually live in Tijuana. I really like chess, dont play any sports, normally sick, have 2 cats and i know bout 3 or 4 lenguages. Im looking forward to make 3d items and stuff like that.

Thx for reading app hope i can get into this clan to help and give.

A pretty ok app.
For now you will be IN DISCUSSION

Please post on our thread to prove your post count,
Past clans?
Any alts?
Find us in game and join our discord until we let you know what council decides.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
nvm to application?
Last edited by Mikes; Apr 13, 2017 at 05:20 PM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
No no no no never xD i said nvm cause i did the same question as i did to you in the pm but you anwsered the question so i just wrote nvm to the question.
Ah I c lol

Pyro: Accepted

Reapplied three times. Been very forum active wiht us and discord active. Keep it up man.

Axel : Application is a little bit short. Please re submit a new application with some more work and detail in it as we cant base your approval solely on your activity with us, and such little words and detail in your app. But activity is very good. Keep up the good work and im sure you will have a good shot. Good luck bud.

You aren't Denied just yet.
Also look for Me, Hannnw, Or hecate in game and discuss re submitting an application and what you should do with that.
Please refrain from posting on this thread.
Last edited by Mikes; Apr 15, 2017 at 08:58 AM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White