Real Name: Sam. ingame nick: BDS
Age: 15
Belt: Brown( I guess 41 games until black)
Forum Activeness: 9/10
Ingame: 8/10
Bans infractions: Only infractions because of useless posting. (Oh lol.)
Past Clan: The Monastery <3
Why I left it: To be honest, I really didn't want to leave them but I wanna explore and gain new playmates,
Anyone you know in this clan: MindStormMan
Why Do you want us: Cause I think I fit here. (Just My opinion) and an (Apex) at the side of my name looks sexy.
Why should we want you: Because I can and will cooperate in anything that the clan will do. Plus I know you're all good and nice.
Best Mods: Aikido, ABD (Don't mind my elo in ABD, it was really bad having a 10-lose streak in a day before when I was a noob who plays with veterans.)
Worst: Judo, I think. (I hate getting Dm'ed fast)
About myself:
Yeah, I'm a toribash player who really goes to the forums first rather than the game, I make arts,sets, trails (Mind was one of my customers, sorry Mind. I really have no time for the trail request. School's a conflict.), I'm calm, loveable, and kinda average player even though I just joined recently. I'm willing to do what I can for the clan's growth. ;) That's all I guess.
Replays: I'm on my crappy computer right now, but i'll try to attach as soon as I get to my laptop. ;)

Accept me or Ignore me. I don't take it personally.
Give me toriprime and VIP ops. TY TY
Yes from me if I'm allowed to vote..l am I?
Lol thanks
Last edited by thimmi0503; Jul 12, 2014 at 02:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hey.I posted my app a few days ago. I got 2 yes's but I havn't received a final judgement yet
-Ermac begotten soul - begotten ninja @KillshiftGamers-Parkour/Spar forever-[Origin] my story has just begun
Belt: black.
Forum Activeness: 7.
Ingame Activeness: 9.
Past clans and why you left them: (dog) -left cause leader joined (cat).
Anyone you know in this clan: Cool clan members with a real skill.
Why do you want us: i want good clan with cool memvers as friends.
Why should we want you: Cause i have good forum activity, very good ingame activity
,i have very good skills in popular mods, and i can be good help in clan league.
Best mods:Aikidobigdojo, boxmushu, lenshu3ng, rk-mma, ninjutsu, taido2.
worst mods: i love all mods.
At least 150 words about yourself: Im very good player and good friend i played toribash before 2-3 years, my belt was 6th dan black belt, i love this game. I can can donate some tc to bank if need, i a lot play duels, and im betting monster, i quited this clan once cause i wanted join with alt im sry for that .

Last edited by Axels; Jul 14, 2014 at 11:15 PM.
Name: JNRiot
Age: 17
Belt: This account is currently a black-belt, but my main was a 6th Dan black-belt.
Forum Activeness: I'd Say about 6.5 or a 7, though if I get accepted it will improve.
In-game Activeness: I'm fairly active, usually on everyday, so I'd say 8.5
Bans, infractions, warnings: The only warning I've gotten is one that had to do with single allies while I was trying to rebuild Extra, but that only happened once.
Past clans and why you left them: The only clan I can remember being in is Extra, and I left it cause the leader quit and I couldn't get the clan restarted by myself. Though I know I've been in more clans.
Anyone you know in this clan: Actually I just met Decyph3r today.
Why do you want us: Well to be honest, I haven't had a clan in a long time, and when I met Decyph3r he was a nice guy, so I figured that if he was nice then so might his clan, so I gave it a try.
Why should we want you: I'm an active player and a great person to hang with, I'm always up for anything and I'm generally nice to everyone.
Best Mods: Judo, Aikido, Mushu, Wushu, and Parkour.
Worst Mods: Most mods I didn't name
At least 150 words about yourself: I've been playing toribash since 2012 and I just recently started playing again. My old account (James10256) was hacked and I ended up losing all of my items, so I ended up quitting, well that and my laptop broke. So I went for about 8 months without playing toribash and as of February 2014 I've started picking up where I left off. Well I think I've surmised everything about myself in the game with the last few queries about my toribash profile so... Anything else you want to know don't hesitate to ask.
Your Usercard: and my old account
3 Replays: First Spar With Decyph.rpl mushu dance.rpl
Parkour with Flr.rpl
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
Originally Posted by JNRiot View Post
Name: JNRiot
Age: 17
Belt: This account is currently a black-belt, but my main was a 6th Dan black-belt.
Forum Activeness: I'd Say about 6.5 or a 7, though if I get accepted it will improve.
In-game Activeness: I'm fairly active, usually on everyday, so I'd say 8.5
Bans, infractions, warnings: The only warning I've gotten is one that had to do with single allies while I was trying to rebuild Extra, but that only happened once.
Past clans and why you left them: The only clan I can remember being in is Extra, and I left it cause the leader quit and I couldn't get the clan restarted by myself. Though I know I've been in more clans.
Anyone you know in this clan: Actually I just met Decyph3r today.
Why do you want us: Well to be honest, I haven't had a clan in a long time, and when I met Decyph3r he was a nice guy, so I figured that if he was nice then so might his clan, so I gave it a try.
Why should we want you: I'm an active player and a great person to hang with, I'm always up for anything and I'm generally nice to everyone.
Best Mods: Judo, Aikido, Mushu, Wushu, and Parkour.
Worst Mods: Most mods I didn't name
At least 150 words about yourself: I've been playing toribash since 2012 and I just recently started playing again. My old account (James10256) was hacked and I ended up losing all of my items, so I ended up quitting, well that and my laptop broke. So I went for about 8 months without playing toribash and as of February 2014 I've started picking up where I left off. Well I think I've surmised everything about myself in the game with the last few queries about my toribash profile so... Anything else you want to know don't hesitate to ask.
Your Usercard: and my old account
3 Replays: Attachment 459048 Attachment 459049
Attachment 459050

yes. I liked your in-game performance, and your application was satisfactory.
Belt: (Black belt recommended) 2nd Dan Belt
Forum Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active)7
Ingame Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active)8
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (Just so we know a bit more about your history)None
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are)Nitro I was kicked for forum inactivity and Apex Because I thought Skittleman was wrongly kicked(I later found out that he had lied to me.)
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you) I've seen decyp3r and TheMindStormMan in a few matches but that's about it.
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal)I'd like to join because I think I could help bring this clan back to its former glory and learn some new things in the process.
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you)Because I'm active on Toribash and I could help bring the clan to its former glory
Best mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help)Akido, Greykkido
worst mods: (So we can find out what we can help you with) Wushu, Mushu, Ninjistu, Parkour
At least 150 words about yourself: (Relate this to toribash, not real life)I am more of an offensive player, I deal a lot of damage and I aim for the head. I usually go for headlocks or arm locks because they deal the most damage throughout frames. I know when to let go of something so I can catch myself and I rarely "miss-click". My biggest weakness is being lifted because I struggle to find the ground after I've left it. I'm not too good at kicking and I prefer punching, elbows, and knees. I try to fight low to the ground because that's where I feel safest. I don't use relaxed joints often but when I do I use the appropriately. I can usually catch punches and dodge kicks with ease. I've gotten a lot better with staying on my feet so I'm not flopping around on my hands the entire match. I really enjoyed being in this clan and I hope that I can join once again.
Your usercard: (If you can't find this that's fine)
3 replays : (Very helpful to us but not required) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs60wpx5c2...0to%20save.avi
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfa83ppv4u...20toribash.mp4 (Due to a glitch my colors didn't appear and my name is shown as "UkeKo")
Originally Posted by jellyblob View Post
Belt: (Black belt recommended) 2nd Dan Belt
Forum Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active)7
Ingame Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active)8
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (Just so we know a bit more about your history)None
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are)Nitro I was kicked for forum inactivity and Apex Because I thought Skittleman was wrongly kicked(I later found out that he had lied to me.)
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you) I've seen decyp3r and TheMindStormMan in a few matches but that's about it.
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal)I'd like to join because I think I could help bring this clan back to its former glory and learn some new things in the process.
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you)Because I'm active on Toribash and I could help bring the clan to its former glory
Best mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help)Akido, Greykkido
worst mods: (So we can find out what we can help you with) Wushu, Mushu, Ninjistu, Parkour
At least 150 words about yourself: (Relate this to toribash, not real life)I am more of an offensive player, I deal a lot of damage and I aim for the head. I usually go for headlocks or arm locks because they deal the most damage throughout frames. I know when to let go of something so I can catch myself and I rarely "miss-click". My biggest weakness is being lifted because I struggle to find the ground after I've left it. I'm not too good at kicking and I prefer punching, elbows, and knees. I try to fight low to the ground because that's where I feel safest. I don't use relaxed joints often but when I do I use the appropriately. I can usually catch punches and dodge kicks with ease. I've gotten a lot better with staying on my feet so I'm not flopping around on my hands the entire match. I really enjoyed being in this clan and I hope that I can join once again.
Your usercard: (If you can't find this that's fine)
3 replays : (Very helpful to us but not required) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs60wpx5c2...0to%20save.avi
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfa83ppv4u...20toribash.mp4 (Due to a glitch my colors didn't appear and my name is shown as "UkeKo")

did you really copy + paste? I noticed like 1 sentence that was changed.
Originally Posted by axelsXD View Post
Belt: black.
Forum Activeness: 7.
Ingame Activeness: 9.
Past clans and why you left them: (dog) -left cause leader joined (cat).
Anyone you know in this clan: Cool clan members with a real skill.
Why do you want us: i want good clan with cool memvers as friends.
Why should we want you: Cause i have good forum activity, very good ingame activity
,i have very good skills in popular mods, and i can be good help in clan league.
Best mods:Aikidobigdojo, boxmushu, lenshu3ng, rk-mma, ninjutsu, taido2.
worst mods: i love all mods.
At least 150 words about yourself: Im very good player and good friend i played toribash before 2-3 years, my belt was 6th dan black belt, i love this game. I can can donate some tc to bank if need, i a lot play duels, and im betting monster, i quited this clan once cause i wanted join with alt im sry for that .

haha the irony he didnt put infratcions and he is banned
Son of Bhima. Fighter in the Kurukshetra war