Belt: (Black belt recommended)Black belt (with less than 20 wins to 2nd dan)
Forum Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active) around 6 I am very forum active I just don't post.
Ingame Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active) 8
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (Just so we know a bit more about your history) I have had one infraction as I remember someone had made a rather "Idiotic post" and I had something about it, this was also over a year ago.
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are) Only been in one clan before and it was disbanded a day after I joined.
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you) I don't know anyone in this clan but I am looking to make a larger community.
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal)Well, the reason I am looking for a clan is to expanded not just for your clan but my capabilities as well.
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you)I don't have a reason why "You" should pick me, there probably is better people for this but I want to be here to help you and help the clan grow.
Best mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help) Aikido, Spar, Geykido, and I practice "parkour" in freeplay mode.
worst mods: (So we can find out what we can help you with) I used to be ranked 3 is mushu but after a long brake my rank fell to 500 and my global rank to 10k I also forgot my mushu moves.
At least 150 words about yourself: (Relate this to toribash, not real life)I've been playing since 2012, I've been completely active even if you don't see me online I am always on at least sometime in the day in free play mode, I have no problem teaching the game I try to help when I can and I know when things are out of my "reach?" if you know what I mean, well I don't have much more to say hope you like my application.
Your usercard: (If you can't find this that's fine) I have no idea what this is.
3 replays : (Very helpful to us but not required)I'm unable to post replays for some reason.
Last edited by NxRzBeast; Jul 21, 2014 at 08:38 PM.
Apex recruitment request
Belt: black belt
Forum Activeness: 7
In-game Activeness: 10
Bans, infractions, or warnings:none
Past clans and why you left them: (Ox tether) was not winning any clan wars and not very consistent
Anyone you know in this clan: no
Why do you want us:I want to join your clan because i believe a clan like yours deserves to be at the top. just look at your name APEx. in life the apex predator is at the top and will never be removed from that spot.
Why should we want you:I am strong, honest and polite but dont underestimate me. i have experience in judo, wushu, aikido, ninjutsu, and wrestling
Best mods: Aikido bigdojo and wushu
worst mods: Parkour
At least 150 words about yourself:I practice every day for at least 1 hour before i go into a online match . while i"m waiting in que i always observe the opponents move's and think of a way to use them against each one of them. my rank is 677. qi 1828,50.89% win .
Your usercard: I dont know how to put it on here
3 replays : sorry none
For victory i fight
Name: Russell Rickman (irl) (ig) BaconJeanz
Belt: (Black belt recommended) Orange but i am my alt of a 5th dan black belt.
Forum Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active) 9/10
Ingame Activeness: (1 being not very active, 10 being very active) 9/10
Bans, infractions, or warnings: (Just so we know a bit more about your history) Never had any bans, reports... nothing.
Past clans and why you left them: (To see how consistent you are) About 3, they all crashed down
Anyone you know in this clan: (This will help us to form an opinion of you) nope but i want to
Why do you want us: (To help us guess if you will be loyal) I've heard you have a great exceding level of tranquility and have been great protectors of your land (read the story)
Why should we want you: (We won’t just anyone. Tell us why we should accept you) I want to be of service on protect our great name of apex
Best mods: (So we know where to find you, or what we can help) aikido, abd
worst mods: (So we can find out what we can help you with) wushu, judo xD its true
At least 150 words about yourself: (Relate this to toribash, not real life) Fine. I learned that toribash is teaching us the movement of our bodies and shows how our body works together to form each and every move. But... it puts it in a much more fun/enjoyable way of learning it rather than.. .school. I like to know when every event is to let everyone know if I can make it or not. That's all I can say at the moment.
Your usercard: (If you can't find this that's fine) Couldnt find it
3 replays : (Very helpful to us but not required) sure...
Attached Files
Arm explosion kick.rpl (33.1 KB, 2 views)
Arm Slice.rpl (38.7 KB, 2 views)
Barely got his hand.rpl (38.3 KB, 2 views)
App for Apex
Name: Hunter0566 (real name Emil)
Belt:Brown 30 games to black
Forum Activity:8
Ingame activity:9
Bans, infractions, or warnings: No Bans No Infractions No Warnings
Past Clans: Petal
Why i join in Apex: I can help in clan wars i can help to players , i donate to the bank and i follow the rulles all time.
About Me: Im good Toribash player i love killing games shootin games and parkour games i love toribash this is my favorite game i cant stop playing Toribash.And Im Bulgaria and hate school.
Favorite Mods:Twinsword Aikidobigdogo acroujoust mushu wushu xspar and judo
Worst Mods: I dont have Worst Mods
Attached Files
For (Apex).rpl (81.9 KB, 2 views)
Hampa's Headkick + pose.rpl (35.8 KB, 2 views)
spar 4.rpl (555.1 KB, 2 views)
Age:13 turning 14
Belt: blue, but this is my alt to be main
Forum Activeness: 8-9 posts a week depending on mood
Ingame Activeness: on everyday other than weekends=other game purposes
Bans, infractions, or warnings: none
Past clans and why you left them: essence minor, they we're very lazy and inactive
Anyone you know in this clan: no-one
Why do you want us: because ur in the top 25, and my name is ApexAdor
Why should we want you: because i'm boss at judo, lenshu, and aikido
Best mods: judo, lenshu, and aikido
worst mods: parkour
At least 150 words about yourself: I love playing Toribash, I am friendly, I defend friends, clan buddies, and others if I think a specific individual is being unfriendly, I am usually on a win streak (my highest has been a 41 streak in lenshu) and I have played toribash for over a year and a half. I also enjoy practicing or sparring with others, as well as betting in betting lobbies, as well as watching and learning from others, I also enjoy playing with people near my rank and skill level (i'm ranked around 4860-4930, it fluctuates often.) and as i am rambling on because i can not really describe most of my toribash experience in under 150 words, but i can tell you, i am a good player all around, and i am generally gifted at most mods.)
Your usercard:[/IMG][/URL] <<<<< copy it >>>>>
Last edited by ApexAdor; Sep 23, 2014 at 10:52 PM.
Name: EvilSperm
Belt: Orange at the moment
Win ratio: 79-80%
Games played: 110 at the moment
Goals: Become The best in mushu.
Favorite mod: Mushu.
Previous clans: None.

Is this enough info?
Name: Dylin
Mods: All and its just a game
Other:I have not had a previous clan because i didn't want one.Also I am an alt I'm not originally a blue belt I'm a black belt i would use it to show you but i sadly forgot the password.
Activity:I'm Very active i get on every day at least every other day
Reason: because i want a good respectful clan than respects me and others
About me:I'm pretty good and well behaved, unless someone else starts something.I'm a good player on a scale of 1-10 id say about a 7 or 8 I would also ask that if you like my post that you test me in game. I woud very much appreciate any effort to play me it would be fun. :3
Region: I live in the US specifically Mississippi
Previous account: F474l
Other: I hope to see you guys on the floor
Belt: Black belt Forum Activeness: 7
Ingame Activeness: (9) No bans, No infractions, No warnings.
Past clans and why you left them: Godly, I left because, I got tired of the same people.Anyone you know in this clan: No.
Why do you want us: I really like your clan, the name is awesome and the group is pretty cool.
Why should we want you: I think I might be a great member of this clan and help fight.Best mods: Aikido Big Dojo, Mushu, Wushu, and Judo.
worst mods: Parkour, and Running.
At least 150 words about yourself: I am a Black belt on Toribash and I am not an alt. I know how to decap, with hands and feet. I'm on most of the time when I got free time. My best mod in Toribash is Aikido Big Dojo. I'm friends with everybody on Toribash. I barely get mad at people in Toribash, I have a good temper when it comes to losses on Toribash. When I'm inside a game of Toribash I'm always fair to others. I make replays for fun I don't make mods though. Since 2013 I've had Toribash as a game. And ever since that year I've worked up to a black belt and I tried to make the best customized moves I could. I enjoy this game so much I usually play everyday. Also I can make head textures for this awesome game.
Your usercard: (If you can't find this that's fine)
3 replays : Discipline, Headkick06, Helicopter kick