I don't know why this is a thing . . . but it is, and it is wonderful.

Take a moment and bathe in our glory my dude. We are best clan k.
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
btw does anyone want to try to make us a simple tang armband or something?

I cannot make it cuz . . . It would be epic though.

v v v v v
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
alrighty i will make sure to ask em (unless haku already knows <.>)

Got finals for a few more days and school will be done for the semester. Can't wait to waste away my days.
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
Use your cartoony skill for a cartoony armband so it won't be that meanstream.
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- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
first of all I would like to say that I genuinely appreciate the fact that you keep our thread fresh and active despite not being a clan member.

It doesn't seem like much but it is really nice to see.

secondly, I am on toribash art hiatus. wank off yeh bloke.
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.