Originally Posted by Forreign View Post
deny the dickriding allegations

you are not beating the corny allegations
oh my god why am i so sexy !?
glancing through the smog in my deadtime
Originally Posted by jostene View Post
u lost ur sign on bonus

fellas split off to form the phantom troupe right as I wrapped up grinding 2 months of activity to join the clan that you partir'd from, mfs deadass had me in a moral dilemma

better cut all that yapping joenaython
Last edited by Forreign; Jul 25, 2023 at 08:50 AM. Reason: quote
<cashmere goat sanctuary>
Originally Posted by Forreign View Post
fellas split off to form the phantom troupe right as I wrapped up grinding 2 months of activity to join the clan that you partir'd from, mfs deadass had me in a moral dilemma

better cut all that yapping joenaython

fellas split off to form the phantom troupe right as I wrapped up grinding 2 months of activity to join the clan that you partir'd from, mfs deadass had me in a moral dilemma

better cut all that yapping joenaython

yet your not a smallmothgirl, gtfo


we are better than you
Originally Posted by Lucci View Post
yet your not a smallmothgirl, gtfo

kim jong-epoch gave me a week and a half to decide whether or not I'll join, seems to be the only one who understands

stand down buster
<cashmere goat sanctuary>