so.. u leaved because they arent that active?... well.. i'll stay on shadow, i take my time and post at least 1 post perd day :/ (sometimes) and AleC, i sent the clan invitation.
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
It just comes to show those with dedication. This clan can make it. It doesn't matter if we're unofficial for another month or so, but we need to build up are weak points, and that is our inactive members.
Moderator of your Shadow
` Unforgiven `
I left the clan because lately I'm not having much free time, when I'm less busy might make another app, I hope you people understand me.
I suck.
ok Juliano, is just that you leaved without saying or some, but i hope you comeback soon... and yes, someday we most run a good recruitment server
But recruit the right people, We had people in the clan that have never poted once or posted then never heard of them again. I was kicking people like that but people keep inviting them, so.
Just a Simple man doing simple things.
There will be requirements they have to meet, forum activity is one, ingame is preferred if the have access to the game, otherwise whenever. Also, dedication as i keep saying.
Moderator of your Shadow
` Unforgiven `
Originally Posted by trickyleg View Post
guys, I'm new to clan things and all that... what do we need to do to become official?? be forum active or what?

We don't exactly have leaders who show good leadership skills either. Yeah so we've got over 4 members, but not active. If we were to send this clans official application off, do you honestly think it'd make it? Changes need to be made.
Moderator of your Shadow
` Unforgiven `
yeah, not big changes, but we have to, we invite people, they are active for a bit and then we have to kick them for inactivity and don't say anything, that's one of the things i don't like, if they don't tell us why are they going to be inactive, we kick them and they got mad at us and maybe that's not the only thing we have to change...
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris