Originally Posted by Princess View Post
I don't know if I want to re apply I might get kicked for having a life...

Or having your most recent match being May 10th...

Reking stops for no gender.
Last edited by Bercat; Jul 12, 2015 at 09:04 PM.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
Or having your most recent match being May 10th...

But that's non of my business no sir it isn't.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Originally Posted by Princess View Post
I don't know if I want to re apply I might get kicked for having a life...

lives are forbidden.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
I was on with you! 2 days ago when you were waiting to war don't say I haven't played I joined your fucking game ber but whatever

Solax was here.
So, I decided to leave Nitro. Ever since I first joined, it was a blast. Yeah, everyone in the clan was chill, it was pretty awesome. As time goes on, my enjoyment being in the clan decreased, and decreased, and yeah. Here we are. A lot of shit lately has also been really discouraging my feelings about Nitro in general. Don't get me wrong, I still love you guys, and my however many months have been pretty awesome, being in Nitro. But, with the IRL shit that's been killing my activity, and a lot of other factions that I'll keep to myself out of respect for the clan, I feel like I should leave. I'll always be around, I guess. I'll chill with the Nitro guys whenever I can, and all that Jazzzzzzzzzz. But yeah. This is goodbye for now. It was a good run. I'll still chill in skype and on the forums if you guys want. No hard feelings?
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by Retro View Post
So, I decided to leave Nitro. Ever since I first joined, it was a blast. Yeah, everyone in the clan was chill, it was pretty awesome. As time goes on, my enjoyment being in the clan decreased, and decreased, and yeah. Here we are. A lot of shit lately has also been really discouraging my feelings about Nitro in general. Don't get me wrong, I still love you guys, and my however many months have been pretty awesome, being in Nitro. But, with the IRL shit that's been killing my activity, and a lot of other factions that I'll keep to myself out of respect for the clan, I feel like I should leave. I'll always be around, I guess. I'll chill with the Nitro guys whenever I can, and all that Jazzzzzzzzzz. But yeah. This is goodbye for now. It was a good run. I'll still chill in skype and on the forums if you guys want. No hard feelings?

You'll always be my buddy! ;-;
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus