Unfortunately im failed my win ratio from 52 to 40 1,5 years ago but im making it back
If the 2 hours ingame is little. I can 3 hours ingame. In forum i can more active because im seeing it from mobile and PC too
Originally Posted by tomias13 View Post
Hi all!

About me

My real name is Tamás Bacsa but can call me Tom. Im living in Hungary and the timezone is GMT + 1. I am 16 year old and i am in 10th grade in school. Thats the 2nd grade of the middle school. My hobby is astronomy. I like to read books in this theme and seeing starts with my telescope.

About my toribash

I have 5th Dan Black belt. My favorite mods is ABD, Greykido, Lenshu, Judo, Boxshu_mushu and TK. I can be ingame 2 hours/day and i am always seeing the forum so i am active on forum. I left Ascend and TEKKEN because the clans are inactive ang going to dead.

Sorry but i have no replays in this moment because im recovered my Windows and the replays are gone

My player card is:


I want to join Vibe because i want to be one skilled and active clan's member. Helping him in wars, chatting in forums

If i forgot something PM me
Sorry if my english is bad.
Thanks for reading my application!

Nothing wrong for me. suckly ur win ratio is 40% and looks like u r not active on forum (i dont care bout ration bcuz what i only care is forum activity).
Not closing to YES.but really close to NO. 3/4 NO
Originally Posted by Mattkit5 View Post
looks like u r not active on forum (i dont care bout ration bcuz what i only care is forum activity).

My forum activity is when i can see the forums and threads and when i can, i am chatting on that. But i am active on the forums
Name: Grzegorz
Nick: grzegi991
Age: 16
Belt: 5th dan black belt
Mods: ABD, aikido, wushu
Alts: don't have any
Previous clans: Gamma, Asu, DN
Why you left: No active players
Why I want to join the clan: I want to play with active players and heve a lot of fun with them.
In-game activity: 3/5 hours per day sometimes more
Country: Poland (GTM +1)
Originally Posted by grzegi991 View Post
Name: Grzegorz
Nick: grzegi991
Age: 16
Belt: 5th dan black belt
Mods: ABD, aikido, wushu
Alts: don't have any
Previous clans: Gamma, Asu, DN
Why you left: No active players
Why I want to join the clan: I want to play with active players and heve a lot of fun with them.
In-game activity: 3/5 hours per day sometimes more
Country: Poland (GTM +1)

Well the App is meh but I really like you and you're a really really good player. Btw Gamma and Asu were 1 Clan, I just changed the Name . I give you a yes
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Hulk, If you ever need TC to get a name change, let me know.

I wont do it for free at all though, you'll need to pay it back WITH interest.
Liquor saved my life but it didn't save my wife

Originally Posted by Litre View Post
Hulk, If you ever need TC to get a name change, let me know.

I wont do it for free at all though, you'll need to pay it back WITH interest.

As I said: My brother created that acc and played till Green Belt. We created our acc's at the same time. He stopped playing when he was Green Belt and I only was Orange Belt at this time. So I took his acc cuz I was too lazy to play the few games till Green Belt. And now this is my acc ^-^ (With now I mean since he was Green Belt )
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Hi ma name is d3noth, and I will apply for Vibe.

My name is William, I just clocked 15 on the age meter, I live in Australia, NSW GMT +10. I am a 7th Dan Black Belt, and i'm competitive in ABD, Boxshu Mushu and Aikido. I have alts, but haven't used them in months and they are like orange belts. My previous clans are (Ne) and (Monk), and I left those clans because I was going through certain parts of my life I didn't want to involve my clan with. Eh, I guess you need me because I'm an okay player for a 7th Dan, and I can be a cool guy. I know SparkyAu and DiabolicPanda quite well if that helps with anything.

Skype: william.grant18