Nice to meet you, Jessi.
I like your app. I actually have a real-life friend who is finnish.

My vote is neutral for a few reasons.

You only have 5 posts on the forum, which I think is a downside. A big part of a clan (in my opinion) is being active on the forums a bit more.
You seem to be a solid in-game player, though. (I don't play Aikido very much)
Though, I know sparring/parkour/realistic mods is/can be a large part of this clan as well.
I'd like to maybe have you play with a few other members of the clan sometime so we could get to know you.

Again, this is just my two cents, and is not a defining vote.
Good luck, Jessi!
Last edited by Lucid; Jan 17, 2015 at 01:11 AM.
Sounds good and its Jussi haha yea i know im not forum active but i did mention it. I try to be more active when im in a clan tho. btw my skype is "settofail1" feel free to add me.
Hey Agonist. We've met before.

Great app, but the forum posts is what let you down. I've had members apply and say they will up their forum activity and never do. For this reason, it's a no from me.

Good luck finding another clan, or apply in some time from now.

Hi apex. I know im not really forum active and i understand your vote but im serious about trying to improve it. after i made the app iv been trying to reply if someone asks or suggests something. I also met lucid and juan last night in hopes they would lean towards yes on the vote but if your vote is final then ok i will try improve it and try again later.
hi TheAgonist oh nice to see another headbanger here
well. great app. i really cant watch your rpl now coz we have some weather problem here. and leme think of my vote k.
btw u need more forum activity eh.
just a fancy signature
I decided ill join Godly because this clan is too focused on forums for me :P sorry for wasting your time and have a nice day