Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by iIluminati View Post
diabetes o_O

mine would have to be seeing any error that has to do with Ntfs.sys

scary shit

At your service.

Anyways, I'd say mine is most likely losing the internet. I have a life guys, but seriously. Losing the internet sets you back a looonnggg way.
I'm just gamin' man
My worst fear is the thought that we are specs on the earth and that the earth is a tiny spec in the galaxy and that our galaxy is a tiny spec in the universe. ._. Think about it.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
Jeff the killer pictures. Google if you have balls. unlike me
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Originally Posted by Kookoo11 View Post
cotton balls


fear me motherfucker
fear me.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
seeing thiggist angry/lose a game
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Serious fear starting now.

I fear that this game will never get any new game devs to make it better, and will continue down the "sell out with microtransactions" route so many games seem to fall victim to nowadays.

Ok back to the forum nerd circlejerk.