Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Who owns this set? Ignore the head.


Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Originally Posted by Move View Post
Who owns this set? Ignore the head.


Last time i think Virus was owning this set, but i think he sold it.
I'm looking for the current owner of

This bunny head by Pheature

mwah sold it here to Gentleman.

And Gentleman sold it here to jen7, who is banned.

Did the head ever move around before ban hammers swung? If not, is it even possible to reclaim art owned by banned users?
Originally Posted by Goughy View Post
The current owner is BobHardon (He has it active)


Been looking for the past sale threads but I can't find any artist other than one thread which said "Unknown may be clockwork"

We already have a thread for this, be more careful next time~Mat
Oh my bad thank you

Where was this first posted?
♥Team Aikido♦OoT♣Team Lenshu♠
~Link is my personal Dj
Originally Posted by Demon View Post
who owns this faceless set?


lol rip posted that january last year
still curious