Originally Posted by 63n713 View Post
Hello! ^_^

My name in toribash is 63n713, and my real name is Emily and I'm 19. I would love to join Apex because I actually just joined the Apex recruitment server, and everyone seems really nice with a large community.

My hobbies include: Art, Toribash and.. more Toribash I guess :P

My best mods include Mushu, Joustingfixed, twinswords4fixed, Judo, xspar and anything with aikido in the name.
Some of my worst mods include: well... I haven't really tried any other mods?? ;-;

And if you're worrying about my belt, don't. My skill is way beyond this belt.

I'm sorry if I've missed anything, if I have please give me a second chance =>

More effort.
This is your 3rd no, you've been Rejected
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
Name: Achille.
Belt: Green, I'm brown on my old account
Why I want to join, looking for a chill clan that has some discipline involved and to war with.
Past clans: I'VE Been in 4 different clans God, And I forgot 2 a and 1 where it was me and my friends.
Hobbies: Art, Graphic Images', Clan logo's. Etc
Favorite Mod include: Mushu, Wushu, Akido, Ninjistu
Last edited by x1viv2; Aug 31, 2015 at 04:04 PM.
My main account got hacked, I don't care. Now I can be reborn,-X1vI
No, if your gonna apply do it with your main account. Bottom line is you've been rejected
Duck's little internet assistant
@xiviv2 : No from me. Same reason. If you're not gonna use your main you better at least give the account name and a very compelling reason as to why you're not. And even then, if it was banned you won't be accepted. 2 no's, So you have been rejected. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks (on your main).
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Oh didn't you see my signature? My main account got hacked.. The password has been changed and I have 3+ e-mails I tried to recover the account.
If I was gonna apply for a clan I would use my main. I'm not an idiot...
My main account got hacked, I don't care. Now I can be reborn,-X1vI
Originally Posted by chazmasta1 View Post
Not exactly sur eif I can 'bump' my replays, bu they are on Page 48 of this Thread. Thank you! Bye Bye.

You need one more yes to be accepted. Your sitting at two yes's and two neutrals if I'm reading the last few pages correctly. If someone would be so kind as to meet up with you ingame I'm sure we could get this all settled out. I personally won't be ingame until around seven hours from now. So yea... If you can get on I can meet up with you myself and see if you can change my neutral to a yes. It's that time okay for you?
I'm neutral on chazmasta, I played with him in game and he repeats the same move. It's like he can't practice or make up moves
Duck's little internet assistant