Endurance Onslaught 6.0
And another thing, DISABLE ALL EYE CANDY!!! And kill most processes that you do not need. With MSN and Sauerbraten running it goes as 40 fps. With all unnecesary crap disabled, 70fps.
^^ Massive bump? Let this thread die. It already has all the info people need.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

I think there is very important thing which wasnt mentioned yet.

Vsync either turn it off or force tripple buffering.
Its doubles the fps for me.
Wow! This increased my fps substantially! I was 10, now I'm 30-40! Thanks! BTW Jepoy was correct, just type "/re 800 600" and you'll see your fps sky rocket!
tutorial worked
on 1280x720 i got 30-40 while recording 7 -10(lol)
on 720x480 i got +72 fps i never gets lower even if complicated shaders like zane_war.inc
are on and when i'm in midddle of flame it gets 30-50
on recording it's 36-54 well that's nice