Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Now time for me to solve (Or at least try) this argument:
Schools are made to teach students core jobs, such as other teachers, scientists, and technological jobs are to name a few.

With hard work these people mentioned above can make a good living. Although the good of the individual is a big factor, the wealth and power of the country is unfortunately more important. Another note is that if a home schooled child doesn't interact that often with other children, specifically bullies, because they're in a controlled environment. Not will this only help the child's social skills, needed to get a job, it will help them combat harassment. Both can deter and prevent someone from seeking out their job, and look for an easier, and commonly low paying job. Like every other point I have made, it will harm both the individual and the country.

Now, on the side of home-schooling:
Home schooling offers a way more relaxed form of school, it lets children absorb things at their own pace. And the children are not intimidated by a new workspace. The problem about this argument though, is that the child is not under professional education, and the child may sometimes complain to the parent, and the parent will drop some of the work.

Simply, I feel school is the best choice. Although it can be intimidating and tough, it sets you up for far down your life, and it help the economy.
Home-schooling is the easier opportunity, the child may have his childhood easy, but he will find it hard to put effort into a job, therefore commonly get an easier job, and hurt not only himself, but the economy.

I spent two hours typing this up, and I feel like it summarises lots of the arguments made, so from my perspective, there is no further reason of arguing.
Did you even mention the similarities between prison and school (as in the subject of the discussion you claim to have solved) or are you as deluded as you sound? No offence, but that shouldn't of taken you anywhere near two hours to write.
Good morning sweet princess
Zelda, I never claimed to solve it, I just wanted to try. My WiFi is currently broken and I needed to restart three times, not to mention lots of the time spent was refreshing my point of view, and thinking about being from the outside looking in. I felt like the similarities between school and prison argument is overused, and would just make my arguments a clone.

I could criticise you, say that you didn't mention the economy, but I'm on your side, we're supposed to be working together. (Excuse the cliché) Deluding the argument makes it easier to calm down and look at an argument, rather offending people, and I generally find that when people are fired up, they don't take in lots of information.
But is it Really bad if it's similar to prison?
I personally think that:-
If it's similar to prison that would be good, WHY?Because obviously the jail almost don't teach ''Bad persons''(Prisoners) Something more worse than they're on.
Also, Walking up in a line not stupid, It's just a trying to be habit, WHY? It's Good to organize Going for classes,No mess. and It's important to go up stairs to avoid the mess which leads up to fall off the stairs. And it can be useful for going in organized way if there's any dangerous positions in school, Most popular one is ''Fire''.So it can help them in getting down, escaping in more organized way. also publishing your son/daughter is better than just staying in home alone with no friends. That's a bad habit.
I wouldn't really agree that school is a prison, that just feels like an ignorant way of saying you don't want to go to school. I think the people who bring up this topic fail to realize that all of these things are fairly logical, or are preparing you for the workplace... while still being logical.

1. They both have an authoritarian structure: This is accurate, but so do jobs. Are you going to stop working because you can't sexually harass your clients or skip work to hang out with your buddies?

2. They both have strict dress codes: Again, so does work. You're expected to look a certain way and act a certain way because that's what you signed up to do.

3. They both have "Negative" reinforcement: This isn't bad. Negative reinforcement is simply a way of teaching something not to do a certain thing by implementing something it doesn't enjoy. Our parents have been doing it to us since we were born, that must make my house a prison, too.

4. "Walking in lines" honestly this one is pretty fucking stupid: Yeah, this one is dumb, no question there.

5. Abridged freedoms: Everything a school restricts is restricted by your own accord. Those papers you sign at the beginning of the year, every year, probably tell you about every restriction before you accept them.

6. No input for decision making: The people who made this argument are aware that there's a student council that helps the student body get their voice to the school board, right? It's not like they have a ton of say, but if there's an important decision that needs to be made and StuCo brings in a decent viewpoint, it can definitely make a difference.

7. Set times enforced for eating, walking, etc.: Uh... this is how large bodies work. If they got rid of schedules, everything would be chaotic and then you'd just complain about how nothing has any set time.

Yeah the people who thought those points were decent probably didn't put too much thought into them. I literally just read these and shot off what came to mind immediately after, but I will admit that when I was in high school I may have had thoughts similar to a few of these.
Last edited by Grohenbird; Sep 6, 2015 at 01:30 AM. Reason: Formatting was uggs.
I think I might be retired.
Not every prison is the same.
In school you sign away some rights at the beginning of the year while in prison those rights are revoked.
Anyone that claims its just like a prison probably doesn't have an idea of what a prison is like. Completely different vibes etc but they're both centered around growth in an individual that's probably the strongest similarity. You can skip school but you can't skip those three hots and a cot.
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
All these school threads are fucking cancer, no idea why these belong to discussion. There's nothing to discuss (given the topics I've seen so far). Yes, all you dipshits should go to school, it's not prison, and you'll be grateful later when you see the the long lines of people at job interviews who can't get a decent job because they can't count to 10.
Last edited by ynvaser; Sep 7, 2015 at 12:25 PM.
Problem is you only see school as place to learn maths, history and all that stuff whereas school can be considered as a micro society where you learn how to live in the real society. There aren't only rules to forbid you doing bad things, there are also other students who you interact with and it's the main point of your social education.

About the dress code, I never had one in my college but I never heard about problems with students coming naked.

Originally Posted by Krypt1k View Post
It's Routinistic brainwashing but socially acceptable. Regardless it will continue and it's useful in some areas. Sometimes alot of unwanted things learned.

1. Everyone should have basic knowledge. It's not normal the best arts students in my college struggled calculating a percentage and best scientifics struggled to spell words
2. Until the college, you have a large amount of time to learn unwanted things, and the "unwanted" things are just culture, and when you know how to use it , culture makes you cleverer. I would personally be very happy to learn a bunch of unwanted things.

I'll just quote approximately Victor Hugo, it can be archaic but : If you opens a school, you close a prison.
Last edited by Flosax; Sep 7, 2015 at 02:57 PM.
WELP this is gonna be fun, let me start off by saying that I myself am a bit biased because I am the son of a teacher, my dad taught 8th grade English for a while but was just moved to the 6th grade special education department due to the fact that he is not president of the teachers union in my town.
So as a teacher's son I was raised to certain standards and I was given insight on things that other students have not been given insight too. Most of what I'm going to say is seemingly known to a few students because of my father's position.
Onto the debate I'll start off by going off of what Valt said first


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