Original Post
[GM]Clan League 2013
It's that time of year yet again folks, as you rally your clans to fight in the greatest clan based competition yet!
Brought to you by the GameMasters, I am proud to present to you...
(Crowd roars)

So here's how this will work. This will be a single elimination, small entry fee system, whereby you must have at least 5 active members to apply. YOUR CLAN MUST BE AT LEAST 4 WEEKS OLD.

Yes, you need to apply, and here's how it'll work.
First, your clan bank (or someone on behalf of the clan) will send 5k to Erth
Copy the application below and input your clan's details...
Clan Name:
Age of clan: (Can be found on your toriclan page)
Average GMT:
We have sent 5k to [...]

There will be no limit on the amount of clans, however a clan must be at least 4 weeks old by the time of applying.
The bracket will be displayed using challonge.
If a clan dies or cannot produce the needed members for each round, they will forfeit the competition.

This will work similarly to how the world championships did. There will be multiple mods each round, 7 mods specifically.
There must be at least 3 players present for each round, any less and you cannot play.
The amount of each mod played per round will increase each round, just as the world championships did.
The same person cannot play twice in a row, and every clan member present at the start must play at least once.
So the first round will be best of the 7 mods (in increasing quantities), YOU MUST FINISH ALL MATCHES.
The mods are as follow:

Will be set up by the GMT's you put. We'll try and match it as best we can at the start.
[Insert spoiler with bracket]

1st. Untradable 2013 Clan League winner trophy*, Achievement*, TP/VIP*, 150k, Full Alpha Imperial, Demon Relax, Pure Force, SECRET UNRELEASED ITEM PRIZE

2nd. Untradable 2013 Clan League runner up trophy*, Achievement*, TP*, 100k, Full Static, Pure Relax

3rd. Achievement*, TP*, 50k, Magma Force/lax


Deadlines are there for a reason and must be met, save being disqualified from the competition. If you have complaints or queries, pm us.
Should a deadline not be met, and it is not your fault, you must pm us 24 hours before the deadline and let us know!

Application closing date: 3 weeks from when this thread is posted (25/07/2013)


There is now an IRC channel specifically for people to set up matches and to discuss anything ingame related. We STRONGLY advise that you use it.
It's called #events. Get in there.

From myself and the GameMaster team, good luck and happy bashing!
Credit to jusmi for the banner
Last edited by Erth; Jul 4, 2013 at 01:45 PM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Clan Name: Team Girl Scouts
Tag: [TGS]
Age of clan: (Can be found on your toriclan page) Formed on Apr 29, 2013
Leader: Orko, Nomad
Average GMT: -5
We have sent 5k to [Erth]

The mods were already chosen by the GM's. If you think that the mod needs a change, propose it to the gm's via irc (as you did, siku). If you think that the whole list should be changed, do the same, snake, or pm them.
Anyways, the GM's picked these modes for a reason, it's like trying to change the rules of the tourney because they seem stupid.

Let's not flood this with such pointless stuff. And evade insults and such.
Question regarding the rules (I didnt play the world championship)

So the first round will be best of the 7 mods (in increasing quantities), YOU MUST FINISH ALL MATCHES.

Does that mean we have to play each mod once ? and in round 2 we'll have to play each mod twice ? etc...
Clan Name: Vectot
Tag: [Vector]
Age of clan: almost 1 year
Leader: Overlord
Average GMT: +3
For your records...
You've sent 5000 toricredits to Erth
Clan Name: Grim Reapers
Tag: [Reaper]
Age of clan: Official since Jan 2013
Leader: ViperTech
Average GMT: (Have to calculate Will follow, should be somewhat around +3)
We have sent 5k to Erth
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