Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
Originally Posted by Tombot
Three years is a long time, time enough to make this without needing to put that much effort in.

If you want real quality on a finished physics game whuich took less time to make and has more features. try looking around.


I have other stuff too, let me find them.

It has a large team working on it instead of just one. That would greatly reduce the amount of time and effort each person would have to put into it. Hampa paid for this himself, and is the only one working on it. Not only did he pay for servers, but he also has to pay his rent, buy gas, food, etc. And what about all that coffee he needed for those 3AM bug runs?

Anyways, it looks like it's only free for a demo too.

Originally Posted by Flaringo
Really, this game is not worth paying for. Taking 24$ for this game is just waaay too much, and you will lose a lot of players. If you'd lower the price to about 5-6$, I'd buy it, but anything over that is just too expencive.

This game also has the quality of a free game. Look at steam for example, there you have a lot of good games (red orchestra, sin: episodes, hl2: ep1 etc.) for only 19.99$ per game.

Those are also using an existing game engine, and use gameplay styles already in wide use. Toribash is quite unique in how it is played, and doesn't need all the snazzy graphics to draw people in. If you don't want to pay, why do you bother hanging around?
boaf's wub. :3
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
I hate throwing money at a "company" and not receiving a product.
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
alrighty, i might as well throw my 2 cents in...

who makes the game, and the time it took is irrelevent when you are thinking about purchasing a game.

think about it: when you're looking at games on shelves (or online) and you find one you like, your not basing that on the amount of time spent on it or if it was made by a pro or someone awesome like hampa. You look for things you like, and then judge it on price and compare it to other games you found attractive.

I totally agree with the people who say that $25 is way to much for Toribash (like Flamingo). Totally right. If you saw Toribash on the shelves, and compared it to pretty much any other game for $25 and your going to see a big difference. Toribash isn't go to be as high as quality. Now doin't twist my words and say i hate toribash, toribash is the shit, but you can't compare Toribash to something like Team Fortress 2. So why should you be comparing prices?

The moment Hampa puts Toribash for sale (online or off) he's competing with everything else that's on sale (games department). But his game isn't the same quality as those other games because Toribash wasn't made by a group of pros with a huge budget.

ok, that's my bit... go ahead and flame me (becuase you know i'm right)

2 more off topic things...

Armadilo Run is AWESOME! hell yes, thank you tombot.

and another thing.... I've already bought Toribash, so don't try and flame me theire ;).

Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
Actually, I would buy this game if it were on store shelves. I think this game is damned sexy with it's graphics - I'm not impressed by games that have a lot of glam. I mean, sure.. glam is good, but it isn't what sells it to me. Usually I find a game, and then look around the 'Net, ask friends, etc. before buying a game. A friend referred me to this game, and I haven't been happier since... this game has really given me something fresh and exciting to play. It's not another FPS, RTS, RPG or hybrid of any thereof...

boaf's wub. :3
Re: what's all this then? -- about the payment issues...
Originally Posted by ColdReaper
P.S. that armadillo run game was super awesome, I wish i knew of more games like that.

go to (thats where i found toribash ad armadillo run plus other free games that are original and fun)
