Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Thank you!!!
You guys are awesome for showing us this !! Thanks Again!

~If everything you thought or said appeared on your skin~-~Would you still be beautiful?~
Ezeth , how do i wear my own created 3D items to my account ?
or even sell it ?
if i cant , this is going to be useless !
My 3D items that ive made :
You can see them in game if you want, however other people won't see them.
The only people that can add 3D items to the game permenantly are item forgers

Originally Posted by Dumbn00b View Post
Ezeth , how do i wear my own created 3D items to my account ?
or even sell it ?
if i cant , this is going to be useless !
My 3D items that ive made :

Hey thats a cool looking robot. You can't Sell 3d items for money no, neither can the itemforgers.

Product from the torishop 3d item sales goes only to the game developer, there is no way to make usd or tc from 3d items. So if you only made 3d items to earn cash I guess you can call your efforts useless.

But if you wanted to make something good looking then you succeeded. If you want you can send the files to me so i can take a look at them, Who knows, we might be able to implement them to the game as well if the models are clean. This is the last time i write a message on my phone
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 9, 2016 at 08:14 PM.
Do you ever intend on making a more in depth tutorial, or know of any good one's I could look at?
I don't exist
I pretty much got everything covered here don't I? I could go more in depth in the 3d program capabilities, but that will be more program specific and won't really be relevant to object making in toribash, so its better for maya learning sites to take care of this since its a million different things you can do in a 3D program. I can't possibly cover every function in one of the worlds most complex computer programs, the basic modeling/UV/texturing are the most important related to this, which is already covered.

If you are using blender I recommend this tutorial

I might make a template for the toribash parts later that you can use, but I'm too lazy at the moment.

Anything specific thing you want covered?
Last edited by Ezeth; Jan 16, 2017 at 07:50 PM.
Ezeth: everytime I save my TGA as 32bits I lose my opacity, I would love some help on the process of making transparent objects.
an question is if I can assign two materials to the same object and will it work in the toribash engine?

Edit: was PS problem, I think the save for web should work, else I can do with GIMP.

To not be in vain posting, the tutorial FAQ really helped me with some doubts, thanks.
Last edited by dengue; Jan 17, 2017 at 02:14 AM.
You don't have to press save for web in order for it to work, the basic settings in PS works fine. However remember to delete the basic background layer and create a new layer instead. Also remember to not compress the image.

Materials won't be included in the object, a .obj file only includes positional information of the vertexes in the objects, it doesn't hold material information. Thats why when you save an OBJ it usually follows a .MTL file as well which includes material information. A MTL file cannot be used with the OBJ in toribash.
The material you see of the object in toribash is the toribash default material. You can only have one texture file connected to each object, you can make the texture look like different materials of course, but it won't technically be a different material.