Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yourface: did you try connecting in game? With /login [name] [pass]?
Do you have any firewall set up, what could cause the error?

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

I wouldn't see what the difference would be with or without the firewall if 3.72 worked with the same firewall, but I'll turn it off and see.

EDIT: Nope still doesnt work. Also the /login command only works when you're in a server.
Last edited by Yourface; Jul 2, 2009 at 07:22 PM.
Umm to shine some light on people with the timer glitch....

With shaders just buy a custom time for like 10 tc of the torimarket.

any kind will do

just someone has to have a custom timer for the timer to show.

and with out shaders theres no need.
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!
Mouse locked to window only after right clicking. Iunno if it's really a bug, but it could be an interesting feature...

And color trails look shitty:
Last edited by FNugget; Jul 3, 2009 at 06:56 PM.
Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
Mouse locked to window only after right clicking. Iunno if it's really a bug, but it could be an interesting feature...

And color trails look shitty:

That's been happening since 3.7.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
I was running 3.72 at 75 fps.
I run 3.8 at 40fps average. It looks no different apart from my shaders being lighter due to a disabled transparency option.

3.8 default is 30 fps, you actually have to go into options to change it higher
/set gr 0 0 -30
Originally Posted by DoubleDagR View Post
3.8 default is 30 fps, you actually have to go into options to change it higher

I went past that and entirely disabled the frame cap.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
I went past that and entirely disabled the frame cap.

How do you do that? PM me

Also, the script fpcam no longer works because getting the camera inside the player's head will show the head texture now instead of transparency.
/set gr 0 0 -30