Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yeah,I heard that 2012 was cancelled in Brazil,because the country has no structure for such event.

People only believe in such things because they need something to happen, something that change their lives,giving them a reason to live.
People live like ants nowadays,working and sleeping...hollow...
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
There is such a thing as normal. Normal is a set value which everyone is compared to. Pure is an unaffected innocence, you know it when you see it, quit pretending otherwise. Living life is easier nowadays, but you still need a killer instinct to make life easier for yourself and the generations that follow. You should not be able to achieve any position of comfort in the world, until you are the top dog in our dog-eat-dog society. How are you not hungry for more? For having the best possible life? For breeding with the top dogs of the opposite gender, who are at a genetical advantage, as they will most likely be smarter then your top of the line factory worker's kid. You can continue being happy with living in a bathroom at mcdonalds, if it offers you relative comfort, for all I care, I'm just pointing out that wasting our time thinking about "the apocalypse" is a total waste of time, and nothing more. Anarchy and "Go make life easier for your future kids" are two very different things.

We don't have more time to waste. We have more time to spend on things precious in life, such as getting more money. How do you think google was created? How do you think the first portable computer(mac) was created? Why do you think the creators of both wipe their asses with 100 dollar bills? Also, way to take an obvious metaphor literally. Unlike you, I have a plan for life, and see no reason to be so goddamn hostile to people speaking their opinions.

You can only have normal when you have a vast majority agreeing on it, as in you know, talking about them fucking apocalypses being normal. There will always be those that view that as abnormal (you and most everyone else that's tired of hearing it like I am). Pure at best only exists in children, who's development can be marked when they start lying (which is better the younger they figure that out). The problem with having a dog-eat-dog society is that without cooperation social fiber breaks down and we lose any construct of society. If everyone fights to be on top nothing will get done. The reason I'm not hungry for more is because the more you have the less you value life and the more you value money. This isn't Monopoly, you don't win when you get all the money and set everyone else into poverty. Hell reaching Middle Class is enough to let any kid grow up with a good life, having parents that earn so much they let a nanny care for you while they work isn't good for you at all. Also I'm not saying people shouldn't strive to make the most of themselves, but they should also do what they think will make them happy, and making tons of money is most definitely not it for most people if it forsakes everything else in their lives. Also that was a really hypocritical statement by the way, hostile towards people voicing their opinions? What do you think you are doing when they talk about the apocalypse? What I simply want you to do is stop making wild assertions that people that like to consider apocalyptic situations are subhuman. Also Steve Wozniak (the actual creator of the Apple 1) was giving it out for free because he didn't care about making money off it and wanted to share it with people, Steve Jobs had to convince him to actual sell it for money. Very few things that end up being wildly successful are ever started out to make money, I can understand that this is all your opinion, and I'm doubtful I can dissuade you from them, and it's your right as a human to make them, but I will get mad at those that try to devalue other human's because of a disagreement. I'm sorry if anything I've said was hostile towards you, I will try to refrain from that, but I will not stop arguing against you if you keep trying to devalue the worth of another human being from a disagreement with them.
Last edited by Ravis; Nov 12, 2011 at 03:14 AM.
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
That is the reason for it, and it only served to further damage my already nuked belief that there is at least one stroke of normality in humans.

Agree Hyde Some People are stupid.They said at 11/11/11 at 11:11am which was yesterday that the world would have ended.That hapended also on november when a guy though of a random date and told that this will be the end of the world.Well that day came and nothing.It is awful to see humans panic each other for no reason -_-
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_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I'm sorry, but I must know, do you have enough brainpower to construct a coherrent statement? Are you even reading and interpreting my arguments, or are you posting just to post? You restated exactly what I said and said you would agree with that but you disagreed with my original statement. I would sit here and individually disect every idiotic contradiction, and your inability to properly use vocabulary(which leads me to believe you are throwing words out from a thesaures.) But one quick example should suffice. "

Excuse me for that last statement I made, I typed that without thinking.... Correcting myself, "Greatly improbable".
I'm saying the average person most likely would do that when he has nothing else to do, but to say that he's sitting there thinking when he Can do something else, you're right, that is an idiotic thing to do.
And no. No I am not posting just to post. I am disscussing and contradicting.
If you didn't want any responses, why would you leave this thread open, anyway?
Besides, who would spend generation after generation making a calendar? You've gotta think that they got tired, and December 21st is the day they stopped making the calendar. The Mayan calendar does not say ANYTHING about anyone or anything ending on that date. It just simply stops.
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DarkWalk - Maddrummer Studios
The only time I think about "Apocalypses" is when I suddenly start watching the Discovery channel, and they're discussing the different types of events that can occur when our world ends.

In all honesty, I think that all of these theories are not true at all. I don't have a lot of information to back up my opinion, but what is the everyday chance of a giant meteor striking against our beloved Earth and causing a terrible demise to all of us? I mean, really now?