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[Ö_Ö]Your Weekly Drawing Competition - Handheld Weapons

It's time for the second weekly "Draw an <INSERT CRAZY OBJECT HERE>" series. Proudly brought to you by Ezeth and Playaj, together with the rest of GATA.

Every week we will be releasing a new drawing event for you to participate in.

This week: Handheld weapons

We want you to create a handheld weapon, it can be everything from a sword to a machinegun.

  • This is to be completely hand-drawn(Not a photoshopped image)
  • No stealing other contestant's work.
  • Max 3 Entries per person.
  • You may use a reference picture, but it must be posted along with your entry.
  • Max 800X800 pixel entries.
  • Entries must be made for this event.
  • Must be handheld weapons, but doesn't have to be modern ones.

We're giving 15,000 TC to the 1st place entry holder.
We're giving 10,000 TC to the 2nd place entry holder.
We're giving 5000 TC to the 3rd place entry holder.

We will be posting a new event every week, on a Saturday, which will run through to Friday. The following day (Saturday), we will post a new event along with the previous winners. Have fun!

Originally Posted by Ezeth and Playaj

Winners of the previous "Drawing Event" event
Originally Posted by Playaj View Post
Well done to MANtrain for placing first with his entry to this week's "Drawing Event".
Well done to Teurastaja for placing second with his entry to last week's "Drawing Event".
Well done to Moltee for placing third with his entry to last week's "Drawing Event".

Last edited by Ezeth; Sep 20, 2009 at 07:22 PM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Photoshopped is not the same as drawn in photoshop, Photoshopping is taking elements from premade photos, Drawing a image in photoshop is legal in this event.

I see, thanks for clearing that up. I may participate in the next one. :3

I was just unsure if it was okay to use Photoshop tools that can't really be applied when drawing like Smudge, Blur, etc.
So..what is next weeks? Please something interesting. If you're having trouble, do something fun like "Draw your best Haunted mansion"
Ducky: Fuck. My mum came in the room and saw Cock_Rocket and Mad-Sex-Whore on the screen. Out of instict I closed the window. Now she thinks I watch porn and she's going to cancel my internet connection for a week. Thanks a lot bitches.
The defination of a funny event is different from person to person. I don't really think everyone would think its a great idea to draw a hunted mansion or favorite toribash character, but lets crush our heads on the next event.
I also recommend a topic "ultra violence" whatever that means. It'd be a bit nasty, but would also be fun for all involved
Ducky: Fuck. My mum came in the room and saw Cock_Rocket and Mad-Sex-Whore on the screen. Out of instict I closed the window. Now she thinks I watch porn and she's going to cancel my internet connection for a week. Thanks a lot bitches.