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Apply to be a Gamekeeper or Toriagent
Investigators: Deep inside these pages you'll find; the first wave that comes to mind; once there you shall see; the first hint of what is to be.

Hey guys.

We have decided to open up some spots in our teams to boost our activity a little so we are accepting applications.

If you're interested in the Toriagents then form an application and PM Eleeleth.

If you're interested in joining the Gamekeepers then form your application an PM me (SlipAnc).

There is no application form, so feel free to make your own.

Note that you may only apply for one team. We will be discussing our applicants in public so you'll be updated.

P.S. Let the PM spam begin, I'd like to see my inventory filled with at least 100 newly unread messages.


Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
Let's see if I can sum up all the answers to the questions asked in this thread and answered in this thread in one post which can be referred back to for the duration of new people considering applying to GK or TA.

1) Who do I send my application to?
Answer: If you want to be a GK, Slipanc. If you want to become a TA, either Eleeleth or Jalis

2) When will we know who are the new GKs and TAs are?
Answer: A set date is unknown; however, assume between now and August 7th

3) Is there a belt requirement to become either of the two?
Answer: Of course not! Playing lots of games in no way effects whether or not you will be good at planning and hosting events nor helping new members acclimate with the Toribash community.

4) What do GKs do and what do TAs do?

5) Can I apply to either both of these teams or one of these teams and Msquad?
Answer: You may not apply to both GK and TA as said on the first post, and while applying to TA or GK and Msquad is feasible, keep in mind it's frowned upon as hanz0 said because it gives off the impression you are simply looking for power and prestige.

6) Can TA play with the lower belt players?
Answer: From a few TAs experience, lower belt players appreciate it when TAs join their games, teach them a thing or two, and have fun. Introducing them to higher level playing isn't a bad thing as long as their is a positive atmosphere around what you're doing.

7) Will all the applications be read?
Answer: Yes! All applications will be read throughly by our great upper staff to ensure the best members are picked for the positions.

8- Is there a bank of TC GK uses to host their events?
Answer: Yes. There's is a GK bank to fund all events hosted by the Gamekeepers.

I found all of this information as SlipAnc said by looking through all of the thread and doing the work to condense the information for all of you. I hope it helps.

Last edited by Thorn; Jul 7, 2012 at 03:09 PM.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Considering that I'm in-game 24/7, I'd think this would be a good spot for me. However, I do have one question: Is there a difference between TA and GK? Besides the powers? Are there more duties?

Not to be rude, but if you don't even know what they do.. why are you applying?

But basically what bio said.
huge difference.

TA goes in beginner server and makes sure they stay and helps the new toribash people.

GK promotes the whole game by making events for the players.

GK gets full auto-op (~) and access to global

TA gets half auto-op (%) and they can kick, mute, deop, (i think ban too)

:/ Double Ninja'd

Same as above.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
Originally Posted by Clow View Post
Not to be rude, but if you don't even know what they do.. why are you applying?

But basically what bio said.

I was just asking to see if anything else would come up that I had no idea about. Turns out there isn't anything.

Oh, and, does GK go in servers from time to time and teach beginners/other players?
Last edited by Mishmosh; Jul 30, 2010 at 01:49 AM.
Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
So many applicants!

My chances are slim, heh.
Gl to everyone!

And me

Considering that most people posting here joined this year and have 500-1000 posts, I wouldn't be surprised to see your name yellow in a few days.
Last edited by MightyMouse; Jul 30, 2010 at 01:56 AM. Reason: grammar fail :p
Better than your mΩm
also, totally not trolling
Originally Posted by Mishmosh View Post
Oh, and, does GK go in servers from time to time and teach beginners/other players?

That would be ToriAgents. You have this backwards, huh?

Originally Posted by MightyMouse
Considering that most people posting here joined thiws year and have 500-1000 posts, I wouldn't be surprised to see your name yellow in a few days.

Aj hardly has 100 posts and he's in the gamekeepers. Posts don't matter at all, quality not quantity.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
If you guys are confused about GK and Tori-Agent, I really don't think you should be applying for either. I applied for Tori-Agent because Gamekeeper spots were closed when I applied, otherwise I would of applied for Gamekeeper.
Hmm... I can't really choose. I would love to make events, and have many ideas, but I can go in and show people around, couldn't I? But it's not something you choose from, though.
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
I'd like to note that if you've applied for another position (Namely, MSquad), it's frowned upon to be applying to a whole bunch of staff positions at the same time. It tends to give the impression that you're just applying for the power/prestige.

Shit, forgot about that.

Probably wouldn't have gotten the MSquad anyway..

Well if anyone reads this that's not the reason I applied
T1cux: clan have eggs.