Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
*Nabi Epic MP replays Comp 1* Wushu
Ok, first in this hopeful Series.

I decided to step away from the structured settings comp for a bit to give people who are generally not as good in SP a shot at winning a prize also :P

Overtime, we have seen many good Multiplayer fights between different people in different modes. Be it Destruction in TK, or Grace in Wushu, there is a lot of golden video out there, and I am here to find it

Ok, this is basically what I am looking for.

Post your best Multiplayer wushu Replays in this comp, and hope to win.
There isnt much to say, except the contest has to be done in multiplayer, and the Game mode Rules have to be exact Classic wushu.

You can post up to 3 entries

Now, I cannot go around and look to see if all replays are legitimate, so I dont expect you to get authorization and clearance from the opposing party that you fought with in your replay before posting. But, if Someone is looking through this thread and notices that he is getting owned in a replay that he never participated in, I would hope you bring it to my attention so the perpetrator can be dealt with Justly.

Once it is established that your entry qualifies for further judging, The entries will be judged based on Basic skill level, performance level, and Grace level of the replays.

Because this is wushu, and of course, a much more graceful game mode, I dont expect to see total destruction and madmans and explosions and stuff, but I would hope to see skilled and well timed hits, streamlined and graceful moving, and sheer greatness in a match.

From the time of this post, you will have 4 Days to submit all of your entries I figure that since this is multiplayer, at least a general majority of you guys will already have at least one entry ready for this comp
So basically, all entries due by Saturday, May 31 at 0200GMT
From there, I will start the judging, and have it done by sometime In the next day

1st place = 25,000TC
2nd place = 15,000TC
3rd place = 10,000TC

K guys, have fun, be creative, and be awesome ;P

*Tankeez Jsoh ^ ^*
Last edited by Mosier; May 27, 2008 at 03:41 AM.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
hehe wushu :P well my first one :P that im submitting of course

EDIT: one more replay :P
Attached Files
Alessandro_owns_in_wushu.rpl (38.2 KB, 21 views)
DECAP WUSHU WOOO.rpl (24.6 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by Alessandro; May 31, 2008 at 05:30 AM.
20/6/2008 [Triforce] → 1/12/2008 [UrbanUnit] → 26/4/2015 [Addicted]
Mówiem po polsku źle; fully qualified med student
hmmm, I havent checked this in a few days =/

Kk, a few hours left though, and this will be over, and judging will begin.

I look forward to checking out the replays ^>^
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Btw, sorry for the double post, but this contest is officially over.

The judging begins... soon probably.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
gf also :P
20/6/2008 [Triforce] → 1/12/2008 [UrbanUnit] → 26/4/2015 [Addicted]
Mówiem po polsku źle; fully qualified med student
whenever I post a contest up, people always give up so easily to the more experienced players :<

remember it ^^
## chopper - it's a nice decap, but not much grace in comparison with the competition here. i wouldn't vote for it.
## spine break - meh, same move, just a less appealing split instead of a decap.
## sweeper kick - meh, another decap. the first one was better.

00 OWNED PWNT - nice sequence and chase.
[Hack]Pavlin_vs_[Freeze]AwesomeO-29015_153413 - high damage, but not much style.

00 wushu decap - meh, looks like a bit of an undeserved decap, and the opponent here might as well have been uke.
00wushu lol win xD - good on the humor factor, decent chase.
00wushu - nothing special here, really not worthy of the competition.

0a epic dodge - your movements are nice, but i personally discourage dodging, do everything you can to prolong the fight and make it heavier on action, don't run away to increase your chances of a win :/
0epic game wit odlov - decent game, a bit of grace, hardly the best i've seen though.
0epic reach - your best of the 3, nice humor in the cat and mouse thing, and a nice 'revenge' at the end, to boot.

0DecappedAung - just a decent touch-decap, nothing fancy.
0Wushucomeback - your jump is good from a distance, speed, and direction standpoint, but it's rigidness, being all-held ruins it's appeal (stabberz's jump at the end, on the other hand, has much more style, and ends with a clean kick, rather than the ambiguous hit you landed on him :s). basically i would've ranked this higher had this been a stabberz submission.
0Wushustand - not worthy of the competition, not much grace, not much contact, not much anything.

1flyby decap - good stuff :)
1heabuttsplit - high risk maneuver paying off, lovely. though not worthy of a vote given that's all there is here.
1splitaroooo - the follow up kick saves it from being just another meh split.

1lolololololololololol - amusing.
1saved - nothing special.

Alessandro_owns_in_wushu - i like this one because it seems you actually varied your opener on the spot to fit the situation, showing good skill with flexibility. :)
DECAP WUSHU WOOO - good decap, but hampered by an all-held style.

boshdecap - very nice counter in response to a nice strong opener (albeit overused at that).
epicwithseshall - nice opener fight, but it kinda ends with the opener, which is ashame :p
jepoy2 - nothing particularly interesting.

comp1real - awesome. worthy of votes.
comp2 (now deleted) was awesome too.
comp2real - sweet chase and revenge. worthy of votes.
comp3 - a bit too much hold-all for my tastes, but still rather awesome.

decap rocker 2 - meh, just a decap, not a very good looking one at that.
[Aliens]Pavlin_vs_[Alpha]StabberZ-40825_31432 - same as above.

0815 rocker:
eatmywuushoe - always liked that fight :)
nothisiswushu - good fight :)
wushucombatdqing - love that one too - good fight :)

epicluckydecap - while a late decap is generally a big bonus, this one just lacks style.
skinnymanftw - a bit too messy to follow what causes what.

firstwushu win - as you might expect, i'm not impressed :p
itwrosk - nothing special.
wushukick - heh, just another meh decap sans the decap. :p

FriedRice-Wushu1 - meh, just another decap.
FriedRice-wushu_bellyslap - meh, just another split. :/
FriedRice-wushu_headkick - better than most of the 'meh-decaps', but still just a decap.

heli against kamiko - we both know you just put this here because it's against kamiko :p nothing special.
kingboshcomeback - excellent comeback :)
NearDQ - decent fight.

Jsoh_lul - nothing particularly interesting.
Jsoh_randompwnage - decent fight, but not to the scale of the better replays in this contest.
Jsoh_woot - nothing particularly interesting.

just decap... - good stuff :p
nice fight - excellent stuff, as per usual :p
uper body pawn - good sequence, though i'm sure you've had way better.

mosier comp wooshoo - excellent comeback.
wushus dercap - zaa kick with decent follow up.

MP 11 wushu split - meh, just another split.

neck break lol - severely lacking grace. as stiff as a corpse.

odlov_2touchvictory - it's just another meh decap, don't you ever get tired of it? :P
odlov_persistence_pays - decent fight.
od_goofing - lots of grace, but not very interesting otherwise.

phat decap - good stuff.
trixxhellidecap - just another meh decap, c'mon amok, you can do better.
yummyasplosion - just another meh split, see above.

toasted - just another meh decap.
toastedmk2 - just another meh split.

way of the saint - just a zaakick with a bit of followup, color me unimpressed :/

wsLapsusCrush - it's alright and all, but i'm sure you can do way better :p
wsRelaxedDecap - slight improvement, but still :p
wsUppercutHookKick - now that's more like it, but a bit too rigid.

WushuDecapJePoY2 - it's alright, but you've had better fights.
WushuDecapJePoY4 - smooth and nice.
WushuDecapJePoY6 - same, smooth and nice, but again, you've had better.

[DAT]JePoY_vs_[RelaxAll]maldiluna-crazy split - good fight.
[RelaxAll]maldiluna_vs_LoRdNaO-37809_5102 - not particularly impressive
[RelaxAll]maldiluna_vs_[NO]Chronos_comeback - great chase.
Last edited by ishi; May 31, 2008 at 08:40 PM.
Ok, results from the Comp

1. BDO ... It is a different take than what most would expect, but he proved to be a master of moving and skill with well planned follows and attacks.

2. Kamiko ... He is epic. I will leave it at that

3. Psy-t ... Grace in fighting, a pleasure to watch.

I figure this isnt what you guys would probably have expected for the top 3, and if you have any questions/complaints about this, feel free to post or PM me.

Either way though, I hope you enjoyed this comp, and I also hope you guys want more; if so, maybe I will do TK or KB next for you guys

Thank you for participating.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when