well, actually im searching a new RTS game and im thinking about Starcraft II...
and i saw the addon is comming soon, so is it worth getting the addon to the release and start playing then?(also do i only need the addon then or do i have to get both?)
cause the last RTs games i played were Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 3, which are now pretty old and i want something new and recently played online...
or would u rate me another actual RTS game? because i dont know any other then Sc2..
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Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
well, actually im searching a new RTS game and im thinking about Starcraft II...
and i saw the addon is comming soon, so is it worth getting the addon to the release and start playing then?(also do i only need the addon then or do i have to get both?)
cause the last RTs games i played were Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 3, which are now pretty old and i want something new and recently played online...
or would u rate me another actual RTS game? because i dont know any other then Sc2..

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War is one of my favourite RTS game series next to Warcraft and Total War.

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is the best in my opinion, and since you've played Starcraft and Warcraft it shouldn't be too hard to adapt to.
Dawn of War II and its expansions are quite different in gameplay though, so be warned if you're considering trying them.

And as previously mentioned, the Total War series is another worth looking into. This one is all about city management as well as really gigantic battles between thousands of men, and does a bit to try and keep things realistic.
Rome Total War is a good place to start, but Medieval II and Shogun II are also good, more recent instalments.

On the topic of Starcraft 2: Everyone I know who plays Starcraft 2 loves Starcraft 2. These people keep telling me I should buy Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2 must be good in some way. But yes, it's probably best to start when the addon comes out.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War is one of my favourite RTS game series next to Warcraft and Total War.

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is the best in my opinion, and since you've played Starcraft and Warcraft it shouldn't be too hard to adapt to.
Dawn of War II and its expansions are quite different in gameplay though, so be warned if you're considering trying them.

And as previously mentioned, the Total War series is another worth looking into. This one is all about city management as well as really gigantic battles between thousands of men, and does a bit to try and keep things realistic.
Rome Total War is a good place to start, but Medieval II and Shogun II are also good, more recent instalments.

On the topic of Starcraft 2: Everyone I know who plays Starcraft 2 loves Starcraft 2. These people keep telling me I should buy Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2 must be good in some way. But yes, it's probably best to start when the addon comes out.

ive got all Dawn of War parts ;) theyre awesome, but pretty old too , i also lack of skill there..

total war, says me something but ill want something much more skill based, prefered with tons of micro mangament (warcraft 3 <3)

its just the problem that these days not much new RTs games are out. the best ones are too old that they are played active :/
im still hoping for a warcraft 4 imho... would even pre order it a year before it gets released cause just loved 3 so much.
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
What about Hitman absolution?
The new mechanics doesn't look way to appealing as a hitman fan.

Although never really checked the reviews, the negative things i've seen about it..
Well, the disguise mechanics etcetc.
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Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
What about Hitman absolution?
The new mechanics doesn't look way to appealing as a hitman fan.

Although never really checked the reviews, the negative things i've seen about it..
Well, the disguise mechanics etcetc.

Hitman absolution is not Hitman anymore, good stealth action,
pretty decent scenario, nice graphs but not Hitman like,
i still Enjoy Blood Money.
Also what about Sniper Challenge? seems like unique gameplay.
Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
What about Hitman absolution?
The new mechanics doesn't look way to appealing as a hitman fan.

Well, yeah like the guy above said it's not a lot like Hitman used to be. Instead of the wide-open levels of Blood Money, levels are now split into sections that you have to work your way through as you see fit. There may be certain objectives in some areas such as grabbing a keycard, or assassinating a lesser target.

I like to compare it to Batman: Arkham City's indoors sections. They share a lot of similarities, such as being able to deal with each section however you choose but still having to clear the room of objectives before moving forward. They both encourage stealthy gameplay but do not force it upon you. Batman: Arkham City with guns, perhaps?

As for disguises they're a lot more "realistic" but in a way that made it more annoying IMO. They only work from a decent distance away from any guards wearing the same uniform - but anyone else just sort of derps and lets you past, provided you have a disguise with clearance that isn't their uniform.
I don't really like the "instinct" mechanic either. Feels exactly like Red Dead Redemption's deadeye mode, and IMO has no place in Hitman. Especially jarring was being forced into a CoD style "shoot everything whilst it's still in slo-mo" QTE right at the end of a certain level.
The other thing instinct does is allow you to shrug off the previously mentioned annoying detection radius of guards in the same uniform, for a limited time. It's extremely useful in some of the more frustrating areas, but kind of feels cheap.

But, regardless of the above the game is still fun and definitely worth a buy. It's just not the same as its predecessors, is all. And working out all the various ways of getting through each section or killing each target is a ton of fun, and encourages replays.
Last edited by 4zb41; Mar 11, 2013 at 02:41 AM.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post

As for disguises they're a lot more "realistic" but in a way that made it more annoying IMO. They only work from a decent distance away from any guards wearing the same uniform - but anyone else just sort of derps and lets you past, provided you have a disguise with clearance that isn't their uniform.
I don't really like the "instinct" mechanic either. Feels exactly like Red Dead Redemption's deadeye mode, and IMO has no place in Hitman. Especially jarring was being forced into a CoD style "shoot everything whilst it's still in slo-mo" QTE right at the end of a certain level.

But, regardless of the above the game is still fun and definitely worth a buy. It's just not the same as its predecessors, is all. And working out all the various ways of getting through each section or killing each target is a ton of fun, and encourages replays.

Yeah, what's the point of a disguise, if i have to hide anyway?
I played with default suit because there wasn't such need most of times.
QTE Event looks like VATS from Fallout 3/NV.
But the gameplay is totally different from previous Hitmans, but worth buying anyway, sadly i'll have to play Blood Money again.
Is it worth it to buy Half life 2? I've seen lots of people gush over how good it is but I want good, thought out, valid reasons of why I should buy it instead of "omg it's so gud i have a valve boner hl2 hl2 hl2!".
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post
Is it worth it to buy Half life 2? I've seen lots of people gush over how good it is but I want good, thought out, valid reasons of why I should buy it instead of "omg it's so gud i have a valve boner hl2 hl2 hl2!".

Well, one must remember that at the time it was released it was ground-breaking stuff. "Look! PHYSICS! Look! A GUN THAT PICKS UP AND SHOOTS JUNK!" was the general reaction.

Anyway, I liked it because it's a well-paced, decently long singleplayer game that likes physics puzzles. Of particular note, for me, was that there were in fact secret areas that were well-hidden or required some thought and puzzling to get to.
Combat is your standard FPS affair - point gun, shoot gun, hide behind things to avoid getting shot. Using the environment to your advantage (especially after picking up the previously mentioned junk-shooting gun) seems to be encouraged. You can even pick up some junk lying around and attempt to use it as portable cover.

Also there's a story involving a dystopian future, oppressive aliens, and your token human rebellion if you're into that.

Oh, and it's $10.
Bottom line: IMO it's worth that $10. $10 for a decent-sized singleplayer experience that isn't some terrible indie kludge is pretty good.