Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My application (Frosted789)
Name: Nate Frost
Age: 13
Player Card: Frosted789
About Your Self: I'm a good player at Toribash. I play most gamemodes.
Do You Have Any Special Skills That Would Benefit The Team?: I think I can be a great addition, because I work great if I need to do a quick move to finish off the game if I'm losing. Also I am a Blue belt and moving fast.
Replays (3 replays): http://forum.toribash.com/replay.php?download=18431


Last edited by Frosted789; Aug 15, 2013 at 06:44 AM. Reason: Miss one thing :P
Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
I'm not part of The Team, but I can say for sure you are not ready yet.

Same goes for your application, Frosted
the goblin
Name: Black

Age: 17

Belt: Blue

GMT: Centeral

Past Clans: [Red](Owner) [Clan] [Tint]

Special Skills (Art, Videos, Marketing, Events, Etc..): Video. (SPFX editor for school broadcast)

Player Card:

Previous Nicks or Former Accounts? (If any): PM me for that

Recommendations/Vouchers (eVo & Single Allies): None. I'll try my best to get some

Modes You're Good At (Wushu, Aikido, TaekKyon, Kickbox, Etc..): Wushu, Aikido, TK, ABD, Greykido, Sparring, Lenshu, Brushu, Mushu, Spirit Wrestling. Pretty much any mod incorporating Wushu, Lenshu, or Aikido

About Yourself: Don't look at my belt. Look at my skill. Don't take me lightly. I play casually most of the time, but can be a serious player when asked, or according to the current/future circumstances. Toribash can either be a layed-back game for me, or can be treated as an extremely competitive game for me. Again, PM me for account. I'm a very skilled player, and win consistantly if I give 100%. Just because you win in Toribash, doesn't mean you're good at it, I'm good at it. Play me. I understand the mechanics of Tori moves in and out. I can accustom to any situation. Give me a mod to play, and I'll pick it up in 3-5 games tops. I'm extremely friendly, and love the TB community, as well as spread it, and I am prepared to do the same with eVo. Honestly rating myself, I'd give myself a 7-8/10 on SP, I'll throw you some replays. Not only do I adapt to situations to suit myself, I do it to put the other player in as much of a tight situation as possible. If I see a possible dismemberment, I will NOT take it (unlike some players) unless I am guaranteed to be in a winning position in the next 1-3 turns. I know how to manipulate other players Tori's based on the position I have them grabbed, or snagged on my hands/feet, and not only do I move according to the current turn and ghost, but I set myself to be in the advantage the turn after that, or possibly even 2 turns after that, which is why I am so good at Wushu related mods. If you have anything else you'd like to ask, I'd be more than happy to answer <3

Why Do You Want To Join [eVo]: [eVo] is a VERY elite clan, and is well respected. The members of the clan are extremely talented and skilled, and deserve the recognition they get. I want to join eVo because I believe this clan suits me best, and would love to get to know the people in it, as well as give the clan an even better name for itself.

What Do You Wish To Accomplish Here/Future Plans If You Are Accepted Into [eVo]: Boost the clans already extremely respected reputation by consistently winning games, and being a general friend to the community.
This thread is for joining The Team. You probably didn't read the OP aswell, considering that the correct application format is within it.
I'm not sure why people keep applying here when they should be aware of the fact that the original members aren't really here or active enough to accept or not.
the goblin