Originally Posted by TFguy View Post
I'm TFguy, a spanish[GMT+1] boy aged 17 who has been playing toribash since July 2012. This account is a 4th dan, ranked around 2000's but on its way back to 200's. I'm slightly good at jousting (used to be rank 9) and I'll hardly ragequit under any circumstances. I spend most of the time on Jousting9 (Public) or Twinswords5 (Intermediate), but any mod will do fine for me. I haven't been on any official clans, never really thought about being in one because i was too lazy to start posting in forums and had no time to do it.

My other accounts are "aaalt"(How original), green belt and on global 1500; and "alatac", black belt. I have some replays, but i'd rather show you a video :3. I also make videos for my Youtube channel, which started having videos 9 months ago and has gathered 40 subscribers so far.


*Deep inhale*

I make my own textures with Photoshop and now i've started learning AfterEffects, which comes in useful for the videos. I will take part in the art contest, will post my art when I finish it, which should be about tomorrow. This is how my main account looks right now:

TFguy's textures

Ok I will invite you, but you must post everyday or you will be kicked.

Originally Posted by iKuteTekNinjaHD View Post
Hi, im whitebelt ( rly blackbelt but lost acc ) good at taekwondo, aikido and twinswords. i have lots of skill. im on forums and will post atleast twice a day. i am very active on the game. i will donate TC every week. ( atleast 100TC ) so you can get tc fast and hopefully become official. i played with Leoty and he seemed cool so i am applying for this clan. ty if u accept.

The replays are all me on my bro's accounts.
Oh and i have experience in texture making.

I need you to be active on the forum and post everyday, can you do that?

(Big sorry for the wait guys, busy day day.)
Leader of nothing
Erm...Hi...I'm teh StraightUpKnife. I'm a 2nd black belt...I'm 18..... My fav mods are aikidobigdojo.tbm and mushu.tbm. I'm teh derp. IM AVAILABLE ALL TEH TIME! so yea......IMA DERP!
Originally Posted by StraightUpKnife View Post
Erm...Hi...I'm teh StraightUpKnife. I'm a 2nd black belt...I'm 18..... My fav mods are aikidobigdojo.tbm and mushu.tbm. I'm teh derp. IM AVAILABLE ALL TEH TIME! so yea......IMA DERP!

Can you pinkie promise to post everyday and be a little more formal?
Leader of nothing
Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
Can you pinkie promise to post everyday and be a little more formal?

well i hope he posts
Proud Leader of Elite Strikers
hello my name is mininao09 i am 3rd dan black belt my favorites mods are aikido AKB and taekkyon here are some replays to show you my potential
and i love to make conversation i am 15 years old and i have been playing toribash for 4 years i have 1 alt that is like an a onw bank , and sometimes i eat when i play
Attached Files
awesome decap.rpl (54.9 KB, 3 views)
super volt 03.rpl (46.7 KB, 3 views)
mega flips kick v9.rpl (53.1 KB, 3 views)
very awesome battle.rpl (68.4 KB, 3 views)
uff by luck.rpl (73.7 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by mininao09; Feb 14, 2013 at 11:50 PM.
I think you should add more information about your hobbys, and your self...
(this is only my opinion
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Originally Posted by mininao09 View Post
hello my name is mininao09 i am 3rd dan black belt my favorites mods are aikido AKB and taekkyon here are some replays to show you my potential
and i love to make conversation i am 15 years old and i have been playing toribash for 4 years i have 1 alt that is like an a onw bank , and sometimes i eat when i play

Originally Posted by mininao09 View Post

well i like u and be active on forums
Proud Leader of Elite Strikers
hi my name is wildantho and im a green belt,ive spent about 2 months on the forums and on the game too. i am a talkative person but will remain concentrated on the task at hand. i am loyal to those better than me and will respect all others in this clan, i am good at akido and twin swords and i havent been banned from my account. thanks