Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Default replay here.
The goatse was very professional, contracted knees, I'm loving that.
The way you contracted your ankles to get power for the dm was genius.
The way you used the raw stronk of your arms and butt momentum to launch the abs has to be revered.
Pose was just too much. Too much self-bj right there.
11/9 right here.
Originally Posted by LagSwitch View Post
This thread took forever to find.

Love your opener. A lot. Very fluid, and you are able to develop a great amount of momentum in a short amount of time. Something that I try, but terribly fail at during sparring. Very good spinning and forward propulsion. You covered the distance without breaking the flow. Following the opening was very interesting. I would have liked to see you go in for a punch to the body, which you could follow with even more destruction. Instead you went for an unexpected (but very welcome) manipulation. The manipulation itself was good, but for only one kick, you should have tried to keep going with manipulating Uke. The kick following the manipulation got a lot of damage, but it was poorly executed. To get the hit, you needed to keep your knee contracted, which you did, however, it made the hit unrealistic, and non powerful looking. It was a tap with the bottom of your foot to the top of Uke's shoulder. Because it was not a very good kick. You should not have hacked the replay. The damage that you gave did not fit the hit that was given. You should have left it alone, and if it didn't get dismemberments, hacked in one or two, and follow it with actual hits. The ending was poor. You should either edit it with less dismemberments hacked in, and continue beating Uke, or at least add a pose.

I know I picked it apart, but I am very critical when viewing replays. This replay, flaws and all, was still very good. Try not to hack it so much in the future, and instead continue ripping Uke rather than over editing.
nice replay lag guy
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them