I don't know how that trick is supposed to look so I can't really cnc it good but i think it looked clean, can't really see any flaws, keep it up^
Made a little more interesting version of it,

Also, All you people whatching, COMENT Pweaas:C
Attached Files
#Xioi- T- Retro.rpl (124.9 KB, 60 views)
Last edited by Xioi; Mar 22, 2014 at 12:48 PM.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
No replays for a while
Working on a LONG parkour replay and i'm estamating it to be over 10k frames including working on 2 to 3 advanced towards elite tricking levels replays.
Just to give that out and yada yada

-cheers for now
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
The replay won´t be stationary in one entire replay, Spliting it up around 5k frames into parts.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
The parkour will be posted under the summer. as i've got around 5k frames left ima start posting diferent kind of stuff.

For now. A absolute shit Madman
But please it's my like 4th ever try on doing one of these....so yea :P
And have never been good with dm's
Attached Files
#Xioi-Wat.rpl (186.0 KB, 35 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
how you been.

I try to stay away from grabs so this one was kinda grabby for me, opener was fun, but as you were doing the hits it felt like there was too much changing direction to get any speed for some booms (not that it always takes speed). I'm not very good at all this cnc stuff but in my experience booms are more about aim, and sitting there editing trying to get a good ghost into the joint.

-I suck at replays, but I tried to show you it was possible with a little editing.
Attached Files
-xioiedit.rpl (71.5 KB, 20 views)
-xioiedit2.rpl (123.6 KB, 21 views)
Oh wat. Did not expect you to be comenting here : o
Annywho thanks alot on the coment. realy don't like doing dm stuff, don't know why but eh.
And yea i knew i could of gone for alot larger booms, even got them. just to lazy to edit of them :P

But again, Thanks for the comment ^^
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Can't be bothered with this anymore, Been at the bloody leg skeet boom for several hours redoing the shit. oh well. if someone does it then hurray
Attached Files
#Xioi- Fuck this leg boom.rpl (319.2 KB, 26 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.