Real Name:Colton

Age: 18 soon

GMT: Um...well...same as California...

Skype: Toribash-Obediah

Belt: Altogether I am 6th dan, but my main is a mere Brown Belt

Why you want to join: Because realism clans are the bomb

Previous Clans: S7

Previous Infractions or Bans: Who could ban someone as likeable as me?
Alts (Alternate Accounts): Oh many...Obediah is all I can remember.

Are you a Parkourist or Sparrer (or both): Parkour, Sparring, Tricking you name it.
Did anyone invite you: Ale a long ass time ago

Tell us about your self: I'm a Mixed Martial Artist that just so happens to like Toribash...idk

How active Ingame are you 1/10: 7

How active on forum are you 1/10: 3

How skilled at parkour would you say you are: 8.5

How Skilled at Sparring would you say you are: 9.5
Any other skills or talents we should know?: I make textures, but not frequently...

MyReplays: I just got a new computer so there are none...
Attached Files
Tricking-1.rpl (200.0 KB, 8 views)
Hello everyone.
Real name: Justin
Age: 14
Gmt: Mountain standard time
Why do I want to join: I want to join because I know a lot of people in this clan. I also believe I am a good sparer. My alt is BBallStar and I was a 4th dan black belt on it, I decided to change to this account fully because I like the name better.
Previous clans: Xp, Vector.
Skype: BBall.Star.1011
Belt: Orange
Bans: None
Alts: BBallStar
Parkour or Spar: Spar
Did anyone invite you?: Monsto told me to apply so I don't know if that counts.
Tell us about yourself: I am a friendly sparer who can get competitive if I need to. I love to play this game and I have been playing it for roughly 2 years.
How active ingame: 7
How active on fourms: 6
How skilled are you at parkour?: Not good at all.
How skilled are you at spar?: I think im good.
My replays:
Attached Files
Im back (S).rpl (898.1 KB, 4 views)
Test.rpl (307.9 KB, 3 views)
Tomakuu- A new begining (S).rpl (898.0 KB, 8 views)
dear ivs
my name is real name is ty but u can call me tyhazel my skype name is tyler.hazel10 i was in clans rae and otf i was inviteed to rae by squidxlx i wanna join move because its talented and has my friends in it
Originally Posted by tyhazel View Post
my name is real name is ty but u can call me tyhazel my skype name is tyler.hazel10 i was in clans rae and otf i was inviteed to rae by squidxlx i wanna join move because its talented and has my friends in it

Ty, please use the proper application layout (on the first page). Also put out your replays so we can see what talents you have.
There the mod! i used to make my replay
Attached Files
The Uke Lava Parkour.rpl (41.6 KB, 9 views)
xy_lavabridge.tbm (18.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Tartino123_old; Sep 30, 2014 at 10:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
my application
realname [Antonio duplessis]
age: 13
gmt[EDT U.S.A]
skype: none/ I do have steam
reason to join: because i think together we may be number one of the clans
previous clans: [haze] [aeon]
previous bans or infractions: none
alts: tone361 and tone34/invite tone34
parkourist or sparrer: both and i trick
did anyone invite you: no
tell us about yourself: well i live in america and i have diabetes but i spend some time on internet to play toribash i play toribash with duhbau5 z3bra2005 and babyj2kr.
how active on tb: 8/10 like alot
how active on forums in general: 7/10 for posting replays on my threads: clan forum 5/10 not much cuz i forget because im to excited from my epic spars
how good at pakrour: 7 and a half outta 1: spars 8/10
extra talents: nope :3
Attached Files
1234 i dont care2.rpl (1,017.2 KB, 7 views)
good pk34trtern32.rpl (2.01 MB, 6 views)
the best sparkour!!!!!!11.rpl (1.07 MB, 6 views)