Original Post
Surprise Packs/Boxes

I don't know if this has been suggested before, and if it has, I'm sorry.
Wouldn't it be cool if there were like packs or boxes with random items inside? They could be divided into different tiers, each one with items of that value. For example, a pack worth 100k that could get you either void, demon, pure or warrior items. Maybe 3/4 items per box?

It would be even better if the boxes didn't have a QI restriction, so that anyone that can afford it could have one.

Parkour • Spar • Skating

I still support this, buying at your own risk for something possibly rare is pretty fun

edit: thanks for merge babe
Last edited by cat; Sep 16, 2015 at 04:28 AM.

Here's what I'll contribute. Suggestions for suggestions.

I'd like them to work either like csgo cases or fallout shelter lunch boxes.

Better cases carry better stuff.
More expensive stuff comes in more expensive cases.
Cases separated by item types and tier groupings.
Purchasable with tc, shiai tokens, and irl currency.
They better be trade-able.
Super rare 3D items as jackpot prizes.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
More expensive stuff comes in more expensive cases.

IMO If you should just have different cases have different items for the same price of all the other cases
No one would want to buy a cheaper case knowing it wont have the chance of a better more expensive case.
I would say maybe its not just force, it could be any items from the torishop but there should be price range for each types/tiers of crates
Last edited by Loona; Sep 16, 2015 at 11:48 AM.
Wow 100k? well since steam got Tb in why don't we just make it buyable for like a buck by steam Eh? or sure with 100k in game
Originally Posted by Viipperr View Post
Wow 100k? well since steam got Tb in why don't we just make it buyable for like a buck by steam Eh? or sure with 100k in game

1 usd =/= 100k tc
it'd be closer to 1usd to 100k tc.

Price ranges for different tiered items would be good.
Cheap af for beginner tier, with the chance of all items tiered beginner(Even grips, emotes etc..)

Or 'random n box'
(n = an item type, like force, relax, blood or what ever)
Last edited by imaSlayaa; Sep 18, 2015 at 08:42 AM.
Since we don't have the "Double or lose it" red button anymore this sounds like a good sink with a similar outcome.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!