So, where do I start... Im 15 years old, I live on the east coast of US. I've gotten to brown belt on my main (blue on my alt), I have a 63% win ratio on my main, ArtificeM0on. This is actually my first clan application, as I am somewhat new to the forums and such. I would like to join this clan because I know where I stand in Toribash and I want to get better and more importantly help this clan get better. My favorite mod is by far aikido. I would like to keep my Skype unknown unless it is completely necessary or I get accepted to the clan.
Name and nickname : Matthias (Lethalpwnz)
Age: 16
Belt: Black, nearly 2nd dan
Forum and ingame activity: I read stuff on the forums but I rarely post because, well I dont know. About ingame, during schooltime I only play on the weekends but I play excessively on the weekends.
Best mods: ABD, Aikido, Greykido, the featured chainsaw mod
Skype: Mattias Allpere
Win ratio: 55%, used to be 60% back in the day.
Previous clan: Vibe(very very long time ago)
Im a chill person, friendly and a good listener. I like being social and sometimes doing dumb shit for fun. Im from Tallinn, Estonia and i am a regular bl0ke.
If you wish to control others, you must first control yourself - Miyamoto Musashi
Can I judge one of these guys

It's not a free form app don't even know how you joined vibe but pretty good app though
Matthias I am a little concerned about your activity, i am looking for players who post on the clan thread daily.

Its a no from me