Endurance Onslaught 6.0
hi solax!

i dont think this is a good place for me to talk openly about these kinds of things so i wont come to you about my depression rather than how should i go about seeking help? ive done therapy for short periods and been checked into a hospital in 2014 until i was released for not really doing much. i think the problem lies in not wanting professional help, but i often have trouble bringing it up because i feel like it wouldn't be taken seriously since i've noticed that it happens frequently with others
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

my dad sent me his dick on snapchat and i accidentally showed it to hanz0 when we lived together. my girlfriend asked whos is bigger but im unsure because it wasnt a great angle and its not exactly easy to measure on a 3 second snap. what should i tell her?
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Depending how bad it is either grab a warm hotpack or see a doctor.

jeez i forgot what you said and grabbed a cold hotpack instead


but also solax

i was wondering if there is any way to get a 3 letter name change to Veo

like is there like some special person who can do it

because Bob got one after it was illegal
There's this guy I really like named Solax, but I'm afraid he doesn't like back. What should I do.
Originally Posted by Flame View Post
i just keep losing all my tc and i cant find anyone to spawn me in tc
can you help!??

Maybe put one of those gps tag things on so when it gets lost you can find i?

Originally Posted by Icosagon View Post
so uh ive been "dating" some girl online for a few weeks now, i just enjoyed talking to her because it was fun but never meant anything serious with it.
i still talk to her normally but shes starting to say stuff like i love you so much i wouldnt want to live without you or every moment without you is hell
i cant even go out a day without getting her super depressed
i want her to know i dont actually love her and i was just playing along but im afraid she will hurt herself

also shes a minor so actually getting together isnt an option

Assuming you only know her online and she hasn't snaked onto your facebook etc I'd say just ghost on her. Go cold, block her where you guys chat and whatnot. She sounds like bad news, don't let it go any longer or get deeper.

Originally Posted by reimu View Post
Its usually due to nobody wanting to form groups with me, if we do something I'm usually just sitting at the back of the class by myself. every year I get picked on aswell, but it doesn't go to the point where I'd call it bullying. I've had some people attempt to become friends with me, but I end up just brushing them away and regretting it later. I guess I just get easily flustered whenever someone tries to talk to me.

edit: could I also ask for help about something in PM? I'd rather talk about it in private.

Hmmm, sounds like a bit of a bigger issue than I can help you work through here. But yea feel free to pm me fam.

Originally Posted by Akkilles View Post
Well I guess It's my turn to tell my side of story.
I'm fairly decent to talk to in real life.
But holy shit do my nerves crack on the internet to the point that I have to be a dick to almost everyone. I just can't stop myself from making fun of people, triggering them. Starting a flame war with Flame (that noob that keeps loosing his tc)

What do you mean your nerves crack? You just get easily angry by things you read etc? Honestly doesn't really sound like much of an issue to me but maybe try to look to the source of why you do it online in particular? Some sort of repressed emotions or past bullying etc?

Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
hey solax if you are feeling down or anything you can talk to me or respond to this and we can talk about your problems so I can help you out

Thanks dude, I'm feeling a lot better now than a few days ago but it's still tough.

Originally Posted by Surge View Post
how do i get help squad solax

Send in an app.

Originally Posted by Blair View Post
My soul is dead and I don't know how to fix it.

Mmmm, you'll have to go see a soul doctor for that one.

Originally Posted by Icky View Post
i struggle to care about something so blatantly tedious, i can justify why it's needed to myself and others till the sun explodes, but i'll hate every minute of learning it as a student when i'd rather encounter a problem and then learn how to do it on my own time.

Aaah I see. Yea I felt the same way in school and I have a similar learning style. I personally just had to slog through it. If you're god at it then it should make it easier to cope though.

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
hi solax!

i dont think this is a good place for me to talk openly about these kinds of things so i wont come to you about my depression rather than how should i go about seeking help? ive done therapy for short periods and been checked into a hospital in 2014 until i was released for not really doing much. i think the problem lies in not wanting professional help, but i often have trouble bringing it up because i feel like it wouldn't be taken seriously since i've noticed that it happens frequently with others

I think you're right in that coming to someone who has never had depression, they can't really understand what you're feeling. It's easy to say "just get over it, go out and do something fun etc" while on the inside you're being eaten alive and can't leave your bed. My sister had depression for a bit after a bad relationship and even having someone so close go through it I can't for the life of me truly empathise.

The place where it is taken seriously though is by people who have had it or in professional environments My sister went to therapy/psychiatrist for over a year and she's all good now. You could also look for local support groups comprised of people who have had and overcome depression too. There's also lots of dedicated online communities where people who understand it a lot better than m can share their experiences and advice.

Originally Posted by Rai View Post
my dad sent me his dick on snapchat and i accidentally showed it to hanz0 when we lived together. my girlfriend asked whos is bigger but im unsure because it wasnt a great angle and its not exactly easy to measure on a 3 second snap. what should i tell her?

Just say yours.

Originally Posted by Slau View Post
stabbing pains in the chest, got any remedies?

Depending on what the source is, either alcohol or amphetamines. But if you do the wrong cure for what the source is you're chest cavity will explode so it's a 50/50, choose carefully.

Originally Posted by Veoo View Post
jeez i forgot what you said and grabbed a cold hotpack instead


but also solax

i was wondering if there is any way to get a 3 letter name change to Veo

like is there like some special person who can do it

because Bob got one after it was illegal

3 letter name changes can be done. They just aren't.

Originally Posted by Nugget View Post
There's this guy I really like named Solax, but I'm afraid he doesn't like back. What should I do.

Just ask him out.

Originally Posted by Sthip View Post
I want to die

Thanks Solax, I'll try to muster the courage some time as to ask him out. He's the one.
Hey Solax, I wanted to ask you if maybe you'd like to out some time. Maybe catch a movie?
Last edited by ymir; Aug 22, 2017 at 08:57 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I don't know where that attitude came from, never got bullied before.
When I say my nerves crack it just basically means I'm more of intending to be rude or to someone
"No one will remember your name"