Endurance Onslaught 6.0
It shouldn't be legalized, i mean it wont change anything, everyone will still consume it so what they have to lose by legalizing it?

But the Weed's smokers should stahp :v Its not good for the health you know

Micah, Nah i never touched any kind of drugs
Last edited by Zwar; Apr 10, 2018 at 08:52 PM. Reason: answering
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?
Did you read your own post before posting it, have any experience with the drug or even done any research on it? Because after reading that you probably havent.
I know that its hard to stop
But if you really want i believe you can
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?
You clearly have done no research on this discussion and would be best if you didnt contribute as nothing you say will hold any weight until you know at least a portion of what the arguement is about.
Weed is not hard to let go. Marijuana users can be physically dependant of the drug, but not psychologically addicted. Only in very rare sevre cases have people been found to be addicted to marijuana, mainly cases with those who were already not entirely stable from a psychological standpoint.
Originally Posted by cutterchop View Post
My point is anything that harms ur body even small amount of harm.or big it should be illegal

Well then, to point out what you're trying to say is that you want to make everything that harms your body illegal. Even the things that were meant to cure you or give you actual benefits.

Even vegetables can harm you, medicine can harm you. You just have to take the right amount of it and at the right time. Everything can harm you if you consume it to an exceed amount of it.
Interesting topic we have here hmm:

-Well, as a current college student in the US, I'd say there's a few things I could contribute from what I've learned about marijuana.
-I personally don't smoke it nor does my roommate, but we know/smell it in the hallway sometimes (the rms don't gaf)
-As a student of Economics I could contribute to the following:

Pros of Marijuana:
  • personal usage to help feel calm when stressed
  • states can actually farm it and use the taxes for local projects
  • expansion of user growth allows more clinical studies to be performed

Cons of Marijuana:
  • potential addiction thus affecting a person mentally/emotionally/physically
  • a stagnant work environment when people use it on break
  • worst case scenario is like the Opium Wars in China, a drug affects a country on a macro level

*I haven't had much sleep as this is what I could come up with in the short amount of time to make this response. There's more for each argument to be hypothesized or countered but for now I have this to offer.*
<a href=https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6 target=_blank>https://imgur.com/gallery/AnXm6</a>
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Firstly, I'd like to clear something up: yes, some of the active ingredients in cannabis have medicinal properties, and these active ingredients are used in some prescription drugs. According to the NHS website, the UK'S National Health Service, drugs containing these are used to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms as a result of MS, or to relieve sickness in chemo patients, and it may have other medicinal properties, although it cannot be said for certain. However, although it may be effective at treating these things, that does not mean that taking it recreationally is healthy. This would be like saying crushing up and snorting paracetamol tablets is healthy, because paracetamol has some medicinal properties. That is ridiculous. Unless you're going through chemo, or have MS, the active ingredients of cannabis are not healthy (unless trials prove that it can treat other disorders). On the contrary, recreational cannabis use likely does more harm than good.

NHS article if you're interested.

Cannabis usage would increase if it was legalised/kept legal (depending on where you live). If you could just hop on down to the supermarket and buy yourself a joint, as easy as that, it is inevitable that consumption would increase - you see this in America with guns as well, pretty much anyone can source a gun legally, and gun ownership is scarily high, with scarily high gun homicide rates too. As pointed out above, cannabis is not healthy, it makes sense to keep consumption as low as possible. It is more difficult to source cannabis illegally, and this would likely decrease consumption.

It is often argued that the taxation of cannabis would bring a massive amount of revenue for the government. While this is true, at least of legally sourced cannabis, this does not account for the costs of readily available cannabis: to the healthcare system and productivity. I live in the UK, so the health service is, for the most part, funded by the government, paid for by taxation etc. A higher prevalence of cannabis would lead to a higher prevalence in disease and illness caused by, in part or wholly, cannabis consumption. This would have to be paid for by the government. This would be less significant in the US, and other countries with private healthcare, since it would be you out of pocket. There would be a loss of productivity too, since employers would have to cater for smoke breaks, and they could potentially have their workers high afterwards - not good for productivity, nor for the government's wallet.

Keeping cannabis illegal would not only protect you from its dangers, but it would also protect others. If others were unfortunate enough to be within a close enough range of you while you smoke a blunt, they would inhale the smoke from it, and be subject to many of the risks you are subjecting yourself to. It could also cause an indirect risk to others, as it would likely increase the prevalence of driving under the influence of drugs, in turn increasing the risk of motor vehicle accidents.

With all of that said, needless to say I'm in favour of banning tobacco and alcohol also, for similar reasons.

As much as I'd like to say that it is your body, you have the right to do what you want with it, I feel that it is not just you that is being affected.

TL;DR - drugs are bad, they should not be allowed.

Originally Posted by DarkEmber View Post
Firstly, I'd like to clear something up: yes, some of the active ingredients in cannabis have medicinal properties, and these active ingredients are used in some prescription drugs. According to the NHS website, the UK'S National Health Service, drugs containing these are used to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms as a result of MS, or to relieve sickness in chemo patients, and it may have other medicinal properties, although it cannot be said for certain. However, although it may be effective at treating these things, that does not mean that taking it recreationally is healthy. This would be like saying crushing up and snorting paracetamol tablets is healthy, because paracetamol has some medicinal properties. That is ridiculous. Unless you're going through chemo, or have MS, the active ingredients of cannabis are not healthy (unless trials prove that it can treat other disorders). On the contrary, recreational cannabis use likely does more harm than good.

NHS article if you're interested.

Cannabis usage would increase if it was legalised/kept legal (depending on where you live). If you could just hop on down to the supermarket and buy yourself a joint, as easy as that, it is inevitable that consumption would increase - you see this in America with guns as well, pretty much anyone can source a gun legally, and gun ownership is scarily high, with scarily high gun homicide rates too. As pointed out above, cannabis is not healthy, it makes sense to keep consumption as low as possible. It is more difficult to source cannabis illegally, and this would likely decrease consumption.

It is often argued that the taxation of cannabis would bring a massive amount of revenue for the government. While this is true, at least of legally sourced cannabis, this does not account for the costs of readily available cannabis: to the healthcare system and productivity. I live in the UK, so the health service is, for the most part, funded by the government, paid for by taxation etc. A higher prevalence of cannabis would lead to a higher prevalence in disease and illness caused by, in part or wholly, cannabis consumption. This would have to be paid for by the government. This would be less significant in the US, and other countries with private healthcare, since it would be you out of pocket. There would be a loss of productivity too, since employers would have to cater for smoke breaks, and they could potentially have their workers high afterwards - not good for productivity, nor for the government's wallet.

Keeping cannabis illegal would not only protect you from its dangers, but it would also protect others. If others were unfortunate enough to be within a close enough range of you while you smoke a blunt, they would inhale the smoke from it, and be subject to many of the risks you are subjecting yourself to. It could also cause an indirect risk to others, as it would likely increase the prevalence of driving under the influence of drugs, in turn increasing the risk of motor vehicle accidents.

With all of that said, needless to say I'm in favour of banning tobacco and alcohol also, for similar reasons.

As much as I'd like to say that it is your body, you have the right to do what you want with it, I feel that it is not just you that is being affected.

TLR - drugs are bad, they should not be allowed.

I dissagree. Drugs are gooood they should be free
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by DarkEmber View Post
Firstly, I'd like to clear something up: yes, some of the active ingredients in cannabis have medicinal properties, and these active ingredients are used in some prescription drugs. According to the NHS website, the UK'S National Health Service, drugs containing these are used to relieve pain caused by muscle spasms as a result of MS, or to relieve sickness in chemo patients, and it may have other medicinal properties, although it cannot be said for certain. However, although it may be effective at treating these things, that does not mean that taking it recreationally is healthy. This would be like saying crushing up and snorting paracetamol tablets is healthy, because paracetamol has some medicinal properties. That is ridiculous. Unless you're going through chemo, or have MS, the active ingredients of cannabis are not healthy (unless trials prove that it can treat other disorders). On the contrary, recreational cannabis use likely does more harm than good.

NHS article if you're interested.

Cannabis usage would increase if it was legalised/kept legal (depending on where you live). If you could just hop on down to the supermarket and buy yourself a joint, as easy as that, it is inevitable that consumption would increase - you see this in America with guns as well, pretty much anyone can source a gun legally, and gun ownership is scarily high, with scarily high gun homicide rates too. As pointed out above, cannabis is not healthy, it makes sense to keep consumption as low as possible. It is more difficult to source cannabis illegally, and this would likely decrease consumption.

It is often argued that the taxation of cannabis would bring a massive amount of revenue for the government. While this is true, at least of legally sourced cannabis, this does not account for the costs of readily available cannabis: to the healthcare system and productivity. I live in the UK, so the health service is, for the most part, funded by the government, paid for by taxation etc. A higher prevalence of cannabis would lead to a higher prevalence in disease and illness caused by, in part or wholly, cannabis consumption. This would have to be paid for by the government. This would be less significant in the US, and other countries with private healthcare, since it would be you out of pocket. There would be a loss of productivity too, since employers would have to cater for smoke breaks, and they could potentially have their workers high afterwards - not good for productivity, nor for the government's wallet.

Keeping cannabis illegal would not only protect you from its dangers, but it would also protect others. If others were unfortunate enough to be within a close enough range of you while you smoke a blunt, they would inhale the smoke from it, and be subject to many of the risks you are subjecting yourself to. It could also cause an indirect risk to others, as it would likely increase the prevalence of driving under the influence of drugs, in turn increasing the risk of motor vehicle accidents.

With all of that said, needless to say I'm in favour of banning tobacco and alcohol also, for similar reasons.

As much as I'd like to say that it is your body, you have the right to do what you want with it, I feel that it is not just you that is being affected.

TLR - drugs are bad, they should not be allowed.

Thats a large read but from what i just read, you dont seem to take into consideration that with the legalization of marijuana comes regulations for it. Not just go down to the store and buy a join, thats not how it works. For example, Amsterdam. Shoddy can tell you, coffeeshops and such are not allowed to sell marijuana as you are not allowed to smoke it in un desgiznated public places. Marijuana, at one point was already legal through out the united States, making it legal again would cause a lot less problems that most people undersrand. Smelling marijuana driving down the roD is much different from smoking it. If you are driving and you pass through a cloud of marijuana smoke youre nit going to get high, common sense and basic understanding of wind and air movement should explain that for itself. I have been soking weed for years now, my grNdfather has been all his life, 68 years old and still going strong. If we look at even the most prevelant weed smokers we can see that only in very very rare cases, do any of the develop any sort of health issue from smoking marijuana. You really dont understand how easy it is to buy weed on the street. The united states have spent billions of dollars, around 25 billion to be exact, to keep marijuana and other drugs being imported into the country. They reported that they were able to obtain .00003% of all drugs imported with 25 BILLION dollars. Now tell me the legalization of marijuana wouldnt help the economy.

Let people smoke weed chill out and stop killing each other. No one trusts the American government anymore not after water gate. But if you really think the legalization of weed can hurt the country more than trump can well shit in stead of marijuana, I might as well go choke on some nuclear radiation for some R & R

(Sent from phone not fixing typos i keep fat fingering)
Tl dr weed is good. if you don't think so youre probably a conservative who thinks if they turn around fast enough, theyll be able to catch a glimpse of the void.
Last edited by Micah; Apr 12, 2018 at 01:54 PM.