Originally Posted by Frost View Post
Who wants Chowda?

part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Damn, the post count be goin' up

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Anyone whos join date is later than 1.1.2022 officially can't post here. I am serious. Feel free to leave our interesting thread

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Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Originally Posted by McFarbo View Post
lol ok stellar you should be one to talk. wheres that video where maya humiliated you in a skype debate? you were too embarrassed to share it

I like how you are trying to use this as an insult when you were begging for the footage to feed your hate boner for her, probably because you're in fact a homophobic and transphobic manchild with a bit too much testosterone flowing through your veins .You quite literally begged everyone in the tournament for the video and rage quit when no one gave it to you. Does that ring a bell? Idk how you can flip me not wanting to indulge your hate to me being embarrassed but hey you can go on believing that I'm not losing any sleep. B^)
Originally Posted by Kmyn View Post
I like how you are trying to use this as an insult when you were begging for the footage to feed your hate boner for her, probably because you're in fact a homophobic and transphobic manchild with a bit too much testosterone flowing through your veins .You quite literally begged everyone in the tournament for the video and rage quit when no one gave it to you. Does that ring a bell? Idk how you can flip me not wanting to indulge your hate to me being embarrassed but hey you can go on believing that I'm not losing any sleep. B^)

i asked you and one other person for the tapes and you both refused and that was the end of it i didnt leave any tournament because of you lol.

release the tapes STELLAR
Doesn't deny being homophobic or trans-phobic and then continues to push to see the video (that you have clearly never seen.) It's pretty dope how you assumed someone was humilated though, so far the only one coming off as a dipstick is you B^) Imagine making a thread to bash on other people but then have the entire thread laughing at you lol
Last edited by Stealir; Apr 15, 2021 at 11:04 PM.