Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
Nice job!

I had always planned on trying to make somethin' or another with the Toribashians in Bryce, but never had the time all at once in order to put it all together and make sure the dimensions matched.
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
ok bih i will get to it.. might not be done today but def tommorow..

I know what u mean about getting everything in the right position kaze. can be a pain. i enjoyed making hard day in the office the most cause of the everyday objects i placed into it to. there always fun to make!
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
here we go bih. ive made u 1 in normal toribash materials (flat white and grey) but looked a bit boring so i changed one to make it into silver and crystal.. if u want any other kind of materials then just tell me..

Also if u want a diffrent background (darker, lighter, diffrent colours etc) just ask


Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
You know if you're going to make a render for the sake of a render, the default sky takes an awful lot more time to render than just negative space.
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
depends what comp uve got (from the sounds of it urs isant to good :P ) it took me about 2mins to render each screen if that with antialiasing ontop of that. i used the default sky cause it dosnt mess with the orignal colours of other renders to much.
anyway a negative space render would just have a floating tori which dosnt look to nice. i prefer to have a nice background (specailly for the cystal joints to reflect and refract with) and a nice mirror sheen floor. kinda shows off a more 3D image to
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
Originally Posted by Sparrow_Hawk
depends what comp uve got (from the sounds of it urs isant to good :P ) it took me about 2mins to render each screen if that with antialiasing ontop of that. i used the default sky cause it dosnt mess with the orignal colours of other renders to much.
anyway a negative space render would just have a floating tori which dosnt look to nice. i prefer to have a nice background (specailly for the cystal joints to reflect and refract with) and a nice mirror sheen floor. kinda shows off a more 3D image to

Eh, I just don't like doing more work than necessary. And when I render final images, I render them at 1600 x 1200, with full effect, I'm not used to doing larger test renders than 640 x 480, which finish in a few seconds anyway.
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
its the default sky theres no more work in it? and also im going to render my images at 1600x1200 and post them here cause people will then have to scroll to see it all..
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
Originally Posted by Sparrow_Hawk
its the default sky theres no more work in it? and also im going to render my images at 1600x1200 and post them here cause people will then have to scroll to see it all..

By 'work' I meant 'complexity of scene' aka "work of Bryce to render the scene".
If I was doing a test render, I wouldn't take the time for it to refract the crystal off of the default skyplane.
Oh, I've come to hate that default skyplane over time.

Do you have a gallery somewhere's..?
*is interested in other Bryce'ers, since they're hard to come by*
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
ah i see what you mean. the screens for bih with the default sky plane wasnt a test render it was a final product for him. like i said if he wants it changed i can.. i dont actually have a gallery.. i just do it for fun now and then but might make it a bit more serious with this tori thing..
Re: Hard day at the office (bryce)
Nice i Love the BiH's pic...
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...