Endurance Onslaught 6.0
xD made me lol too
Ok ill leave now...
Sorry for posting on ur thread for no reason
Seriously... im sorry
I wont do it again
Unless im applying
Im e\leaving now
i guess ur gona report me for this...?
Oh well
ill just cry
You probably wont report me for this...
This thread is very inactive...
I Gues its because lots of noobz wna apply
Idk bye!
I apologise for this post.
hello. my main account was aracoon but i was board one day and gave it away to a random blue belt. ( was a 5th dan) i have been playing toribash for like 2 years and i was in a clan for a year ( armadon) but it died. right now im looking for a longish term clan that likes wushu and aikido. as you can see my account right now is itsaracoon .
Why Do You Want To Join This Clan?:i want to join this clan because i am really like to play wushu and i am really want to be in this clan because i am really like this clan and i forgot to say i want to show my skills in classic wushu and aikido
previos clans?:Bleu
Favorites mods?:Aikido,Wushu,Judo
and i am really hope you will be accept it
It gets better...
belt:black before hacked
main mod is wushu secondary is akido
the reason i want to join is because im ready to take things to the next level
i appreciate the time and porps on the wall paper
best regards

Hey. I just want to commend you guys on how much of a fucking win this entire thread is.
and shit

anywho, later.
Hi there Alpha.
Belt:Brown almost black (900qi)
Rank: 351
mods:wushu aikido and classic
Why i want to join:Becouse i've never been in any clan before,Although i searched for BNCY
Toribash.com/market.php/secret way to market!
my name is kilermvm i'am black belt almost 2nd dan i very good in wushu and aikido i can join
Life, ♥Haku, Thalles, Tado,Toriboth, Kagami,<3
[NM],[Undead], [OoT], [h]
Alpha Team: This is not an application

Im asking if I could be one of a single ally of you guys. (Dont update it in forums)
Just an invisble single ally.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by BioEx View Post
Alpha Team: This is not an application

Im asking if I could be one of a single ally of you guys. (Dont update it in forums)
Just an invisble single ally.

What possibly would be the point. Just to Immaturely try and say that your good because your allys with alpha?