K, as it looks like nobody will modify/change their app here are my votes:

SuBZ3rO3: No. You're a 4th Dan Belt and don't even have any replays. You've applied more than 1 time and still haven't uploaded 1 replay.

Thelulz63: Just... no pls. Short, bad app, and you didn't upload any replays although you saw that the guy that applied above you was asked for some.

Riddellman: Your app was good and all but... no replays, and we had already been clear about that. No from me.

Anyways, my vote isn't the final vote and I'm not even a co-leader so... it's kinda just my opinion.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
Uhm thanks for the denial, i dont have replays cuz new Pc and im busy with school stuff. For me belt does not change who i am
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Originally Posted by Riddellman View Post
Real Name: Ross
Age: 15
Nationality: scottish
A little about yourself: i am a piano player

QI:just over 500
Best (Most liked) Mods:akaido,asasianscreed, parkour
How many days in week are you online: every day
People you know in the clan: no one
Previous Clans (Why left?): fancy they have to little members
Previous Bans (Why?):none
Alts:Riddellman (brown belt)

Why you want to join this clan: Its has alot of members
Can do anything for the clan: i am a half decent editor
Read the Rules and will follow them: YES
Skype name (May Raises chance of getting in):none
static | toad (ormo) max | haku
So shall i still send replays or not, if so you guys have to wait cuz my laptop's adapter broke
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
belt: brown
age: 25
skype name: SlaskBlack
what i'm doing at the forum: selling textures and items
mods i like: PARKOUR,judo,wusho,boxshu,laser_survive,pendulumju mper,and a lot...
how much playing TB: years... just a new account
will i follow the rules?: sure!
how i will be useful: i can make are, replays, train new members, donate to the clan
if you said no: come and test me first :P
replays?: oh thx, you've remembered me

some of my replays:
Attached Files
cool.rpl (44.2 KB, 5 views)
parkour.rpl (671.5 KB, 3 views)